
International Trade Essay

Decent Essays

International Trade: Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg
Overview of International Trade Flows The European Union is a major player when it comes to international trade. Accounting for 16.5% of the world’s imports and exports, the EU is founded on principles of free trade and fair trade. The organization negotiates agreements around the world in hopes of creating growth and jobs for Europeans. Furthermore, through trade policy, the EU aims to reduce child labor, forced labor, and environmental destruction which can contribute to price volatility. Every day, the countries of the EU export hundreds of millions of goods and services. In 2016, The EU’s top trading partners were the United States at 17.8 % of total trade, China …show more content…

1). Although Germany currently enjoys a strong economy and low unemployment, the country faces challenges once Britain officially exits the European Union. With the loss of support from Britain, Germany will be expected to contribute more, which ultimately puts more of an economic strain on the country. This will force the country to reevaluate the current economic structure and possibly lead to the redistribution of funds. Germany already makes the largest net contribution to the EU each year with more than 15 billion in funds. Once Britain leaves the EU this net contribution is expected to need to increase to 20 billion in funds. Germany’s success is additionally seen in other measures such as life expectancy, education, healthcare, and immigration. Germany’s population sports high longevity and a well-educated workforce. Germany continually receives record numbers of immigrants which is often an indicator of a strong economic market and a successful country. Germany appears well-positioned to handle future economic changes and thrive.
Profile of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Luxembourg is the financial powerhouse of the European Union. At one time the nation’s economy was based on the steel and iron industry. When iron ore deposits became exhausted, the country turned to the financial sector and never looked back. Although the country is mainly focused on international banking and financial services, information technology and electronic commerce

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