
International Market Entry and Development

Good Essays

Assignment 2: International Market Entry and Development

Jimmy Green

Professor Williams

November 28, 2011

1. Explain the process for market research to assess foreign market potential. The first step would be to identify the problem, which is the buyer, in this foreign market potential. Figuring out the cultural differences and the different wants/demands of the customers is key in determining how well your product/service will do in this foreign market Kumar, V. (2001).After determining the problem, it is necessary to develop an approach, or solution to this problem, like changing the packaging or the script of your commercials. Once a solution is found, implement the solution and collect data/research to …show more content…

The company allows a third person to use their trademarks and accumulated expertise. The partner puts up the money and assumes the risk. A problem that often arises is that the original company has little control over how the business is operated. For example, American fast food restaurants have found that foreign franchisers often fail to maintain American standards of cleanliness. Also, a foreign manufacturer may use lower quality ingredients in manufacturing a brand based on premium contents in the home country. Another entry method, contract manufacturing, involves having someone else manufacture products while you take on some of the marketing efforts yourself. Direct entry strategies, where the firm either acquires a firm or builds operations “from scratch” involve the highest exposure, but also the greatest opportunities for profits. The firm gains more knowledge about the local market and maintains greater control, but now has a huge investment. In some countries, the government may expropriate assets without compensation, so direct investment entails an additional risk Allen, C. (2010). A variation involves a joint venture, where a local firm puts up some of the money and knowledge about the local market. 4. Address challenges to global product management and branding.
One challenge is product innovation and enhancement. Innovation is what drives business. It fuels revenues, brand value and ultimately, competitive

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