
Internal Control Of A Business

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For a business to limit fraud capabilities, it is important to have a strong set of internal control. “Internal control is the organizational plan and all the related measures designed to . . . safeguard assets, encourage employees to follow company policies, promote operational efficiency and ensure accurate reliable accounting records” (Miller-Nobels, Mattison, & Matsumura, 2016). When establishing internal control, it is important to remember the necessary components: control procedures, risk assessment, information system, monitoring of controls and environment (Miller-Nobels, Mattison, & Matsumura, 2016). The control procedures range from hiring trustworthy employees though securing digital information. Risk assessment deals with assessing the company and identifying the risks involved in operating the company. With rapid advancements in technology, information systems must be secured, information being a valuable resource. Monitoring of controls is another component that should not be overlooked. Internal and external audits can help safeguard the company’s assets. Finally, the environment can be thought of as the culture of the company. Top executives leading by example in honesty helps create a fraud resistant culture (Miller-Nobels, Mattison, & Matsumura, 2016). Given the scenario in Widget Inc., it is important to utilize all personnel in the internal control of the company. Currently, before internal control is evaluated, there are two employees in the office

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