
Intermixing The Flea

Decent Essays

I: By “mark” the speaker here tells his lover to look at a particular flea. In the next line he just wonders what little thing has he done that has led to his denial by her. At this point the reader is not quite sure as to what has been denied to the speaker.

O: “It suck'd me first, and now sucks thee”,
And in this flea our two bloods mingled be.”1(Shmoop Editorial Team)
I: The flea sucks on the speaker’s flesh first and then sucks on the lady’s implying intermixing of their blood in its body.
I: Donne tries convincing his lovely lady that this intermixing of blood cannot be considered as a sin or loss of chastity (or purity).
I: The speaker is sort of jealous of the flea due to the fact that it gets to suck on his beloved, without even trying to gain her love. In the last …show more content…

After these lines, my personal guess at this point would be that the speaker and the woman aren’t actually married. This makes more sense now, because had they been married, the woman would not have been worried about losing her maidenhood as described in the last stanza.
I: The speaker continues his silly arguments and it seems that he is really into this analogy of intermixing of two different blood streams inside a flea. He just can’t stop elaborating the significance of the little flea to the point that he now sees its body as a temple where there marriage is being declared sacred.
I: I would have to say that the Donne’s sense of humor is commendable. In the first line he speaks to the woman about her parents and herself not approving of their relationship. However, to add a bit of comic element the speaker follows it up by adding that the marriage is already taking place in the flea’s body.

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