
Interm Reflective Essay

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This study was originally planned for 70-minutes in each session, for twice a week for 5 consecutive weeks, but the patient was unable to participate in that time frame, so instead, the treatment was performed for the total of 8 treatments (once a week for 8 weeks). There were no treatments performed on the first and the last sessions due to thorough assessments performed by the therapist but, on the fifth week, there was a brief Interim reassessment performed at the beginning to check patient’s condition and proceeded with treatments. The entire study consisted of three different assessments (Initial assessment, Interim and Final reassessment) and 70-minute massage treatments from the 2nd to 9th week. Each session was made up 10 minutes of brief assessment, 10 minutes of heat pack, 40 minutes of Manual Therapy, and 10 …show more content…

Lastly, the Swedish massage techniques were performed on the front side of the legs to decrease hypertonicity in the Hamstrings, Erector muscles, and Gluteal, and the heat pack was selected to help release muscles in lower back. The patient was instructed to stretch the Hamstrings, Gluteal muscles for 30 seconds, 3 times a day at the end of day. Strengthening exercises were also given such as the modified sit-ups performed 10 repetitions a day. These homecare were given to help make stronger abdominal muscles and to decrease hypertonicity in the Hamstrings and Gluteal muscles. After 3 weeks, the therapist added squat exercise for 10 repetitions a day for strengthening the Quadriceps and Hamstrings. The use of heat pack was also recommended for 10 minutes on lower back at the end of each day. Lastly, as part of ADL (Activities of Daily of Living) modification, the patient was instructed to be cautious of her posture and support her lower back while

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