This study was originally planned for 70-minutes in each session, for twice a week for 5 consecutive weeks, but the patient was unable to participate in that time frame, so instead, the treatment was performed for the total of 8 treatments (once a week for 8 weeks). There were no treatments performed on the first and the last sessions due to thorough assessments performed by the therapist but, on the fifth week, there was a brief Interim reassessment performed at the beginning to check patient’s condition and proceeded with treatments. The entire study consisted of three different assessments (Initial assessment, Interim and Final reassessment) and 70-minute massage treatments from the 2nd to 9th week. Each session was made up 10 minutes of brief assessment, 10 minutes of heat pack, 40 minutes of Manual Therapy, and 10 …show more content…
Lastly, the Swedish massage techniques were performed on the front side of the legs to decrease hypertonicity in the Hamstrings, Erector muscles, and Gluteal, and the heat pack was selected to help release muscles in lower back. The patient was instructed to stretch the Hamstrings, Gluteal muscles for 30 seconds, 3 times a day at the end of day. Strengthening exercises were also given such as the modified sit-ups performed 10 repetitions a day. These homecare were given to help make stronger abdominal muscles and to decrease hypertonicity in the Hamstrings and Gluteal muscles. After 3 weeks, the therapist added squat exercise for 10 repetitions a day for strengthening the Quadriceps and Hamstrings. The use of heat pack was also recommended for 10 minutes on lower back at the end of each day. Lastly, as part of ADL (Activities of Daily of Living) modification, the patient was instructed to be cautious of her posture and support her lower back while
Pursuant to California Vehicle Code (40902), I plead not guilty by Trial by Written Declaration of the charges of CVC 22349 (b). I have paid the fine of $352 and have attached the receipt to the case as instructed.
Massage therapy and chiropractic therapy are the most widely CAMs in the United states. Spinal manipulation involves the cyclical movement of a joint, while a massage involves the rhythmic compression of sights of tense bands of skeletal muscle fibers. Both methods are thought to induce a relaxation response - lower blood pressure and heart rate, decreased oxygen consumption and muscle tension, and lower levels of cortisol and noradrenaline, which is ultimately attributed to its beneficial effect.
This is a reflective essay based on a event which took place in a hospital setting. The aim of this essay is to explore how members of the Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) worked together and communicate with each other to achieve the best patients outcome.
Patients are taught to avoid stressing joints, to use warm baths to relieve stiffness, and to use a
Pool or deep-water therapy is another option in aquatic therapy methods. A main advantage is “the patient is almost completely non–weight bearing and the thoracic and lumbar spines are suspended in a neutral position by water buoyancy.” This eradicates nearly all the pressure on the joints. The full immersion also m the antigravity muscles are basically in a dormant phase. Resulting in the potential to minimize muscle soreness with contractions from the concentric muscle. A heated pool to control the temperatures
Also, I would suggest at some point adding in a day of Pilates for stress management I undertook advanced training in direct response to the growing need not just from patients but from the concerns of the Pilates teachers I trained, supervised and mentored. Somatic Pilates is great as it combines mindfulness so is ideal for people who are stressed, anxious and those would have chronic insomnia or live with pain. All my patients love these classes even if they don’t have any special needs. But I am probably getting carried
Management strategies include the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, rest, slings, a home exercise program for ROM, and stretching exercises to prevent further loss of ROM thus promoting a faster return to normal range (Sonu & Sushma, 2015). There is no superior or definite treatment for this disorder, because every case is different (Sonu & Sushma, 2015). These treatments include massages, ROM exercises, strengthening exercises, stretching, and modalities including but not limited to heat application and ultrasound (Sonu & Sushma, 2015). That being said, the goals for treatment are to reduce inflammation and increase ROM (Sonu & Sushma, 2015). Of course, this pathology does have a protocol as to how to rehabilitate it in order to avoid any worsening. Days one through five include a hot pack for 15 minutes to relax the muscles, ultrasound therapy to break us adhesions, passive movements, self assisted exercises, and more. Days six through ten include the same exercises as before with increased repetitions, hold relax exercises, and
Repeat the preparation NOS and diagnostic, as explained under question 3. Ground and prepare the client further for relaxation via visualisation or Reiki. Colour breathing and simple breathing techniques could be used to assist this relaxation. Followed by the warm up to the muscles, rubbing in direction of Ki energy, using finger or brushing with palms to help the flow of energy. Each step should be explained to the client before initiating to ensure that informed consent is maintained, client put at ease, and comfort and relaxation potential optimised
Reading and writing this research paper, I acquired more knowledge of current personal situation. Being a patient suffering from this condition at an early age, I am well aware of the discomforts and pain endured which leads to the lack of sleep at night. Physical fitness does help, however, it has to be in moderation and some are modified in order to avoid aggravating the affected region. Although, I have not utilized the physical therapy, yoga fitness has helped tremendously, in addition to practicing proper biomechanics and healthy eating
Vital signs are a fundamental component of nursing care and indicate the body’s ability to maintain blood flow, regulate temperature and regulate oxygenate the body tissue. Taking vital signs are essential in revealing any sudden changes in the body, which could potentially indicate clinical deterioration of the patient.
Intervention: A well- designed therapeutic treatment plan was implemented following thorough examination, evaluation, and diagnosis. Initially, the patient was given grade IV manual mobilization in the affected thoracolumbar (T10 to L2 vertebrae) region to reduce the pain and minimize spinal restriction (Doubleday et al., 2003). Also, the PT added psoas muscle stretching in prone position and pelvis was stabilized with the mobilization belt. In later visits, the PT added the trunk, abdominal and lower-extremity muscle strengthening exercises in different positions, and balance exercises in single and double-limb standing.
This essay is a reflective essay on my learning development from a young age through to my current position as a University Student. I will be relating my learning development back to two theories of human development, Vygotstsky’s socio-cultural theory and Marcia’s version of Erikson’s theory of identity development. I will identify and discuss the challenge I have faced with my identity and how this has impacted on my development.
in which the disease has progressed. The desire of this study was to enrich the exercise
Upon performing a posture test on myself, I discovered that I have postural deviations and associated muscle imbalances. The lower back (erectors) hip flexors (tight muscles) Abduct the hips extensors. I also discovered that my client has postural deviations and associated muscle imbalances. We both have the Malalignment Lordosis, which causes the superior iliac crests of the pelvis to push more forward and downward from the normal anatomical posture. The possible tight muscles that tighten for a individual that have Lordosis would be the lower back (erectors) and hip flexors. The possible weak muscles for a individual with Lordosis would be the Abdominals (especially oblique) and the hip extensors. A few good exercises that I would recommend
This unit does not introduce much new material. Instead, we expect you to integrate technical and theoretical knowledge acquired from study across your degree. We refer to two frameworks that may support you in carrying out this integration: