
Interlopers Short Story

Good Essays

The Interlopers
The Story of an Hour
Compare and Contrast Essay

Upon first read, The Interlopers and the Story of an Hour short stories seem nothing alike. They each have different characters, plots and settings. However, when you look a little closer you can spot several similarities, as well as many differences. The Interlopers takes place in a dark, gloomy forest. The two main characters, Ulrich von Gradwitz and George Znaeyem, who absolutely despise each other, are both hunting with their men in different places in the forest. The forest seems to be the source of their hatred for each other. They are in a conflict over the boundaries of their land. When Ulrich and George meet “accidentally” in the woods, they hurl insults and death threats at each other. Suddenly a storm kicks up and a tree falls on both of them and traps them together. Nevertheless, after awhile Ulrich starts to feel sorry for George and asks him to cover their dispute and become friends saying, ‘Neighbor, if you will help me bury the old quarrel, I-I will ask you to be my friend.’ George agrees saying, ‘Ulrich von Gradwitz, I will be your friend.’ Both men then happily think how well they will treat each other after they are rescued now that they are friends. Unfortunately, their gladness is short lived. When Ulrich thinks he sees his men coming down the hill towards them, he starts shouting and George joins in. He then falls silent, and George impatient to know what is happening

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