
Insurance Coverage In Canada

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Insurance coverage for working Canadian
Prescription drug coverage in Canada is different for every province and has evolved over time , public drug plans fund only 38.3% of the total drug expenditure in Canada in 2012 which included the non-prescribed medicines(8). Every provincial drug plan available includes patient charges .the current patchwork of Canada includes a complex, 46 federal, provincial and territorial prescription drug coverage program (6). It varies in the type and level of coverage provided throughout the country as well as in the must pay out-of-pocket amount as the part of public prescription drug plan.
In Canada different public prescription drug programs are based on the assumptions that the working class of Canada does …show more content…

There are restriction on how long one must reside in the province in order to maintain their health benefits coverage .most provinces have similar coverage for many of the benefits. In most cases income determines whether or not one is eligible for a specific benefit coverage and also determines the cost related to it, if any. according to the recent study conducted more than three quarters of the household who have at least one senior have prescription drug spending at an annual avenger of more than $500.(14). As a result of non-uniform drug plans in some provinces, seniors must pay a copayment, i.e. the portion of prescription that is paid every time a prescription is filled. while in other provinces seniors must pay an annual premium where as some have combinations of both copayments and premiums .(14) Canada is a fast aging society , in which it Is common for a senior to developed a chorionic medical condition which would increase their drug intake . It’s normal for a senior to have an average intake of 12-14 drugs a day (15).according to a recent static Canada survey, prescription drugs make up 27.3% of out of pocket spending for senior households (16).and yet many candies underestimate the cost of their treatments in senior age. The average $500 dollars that every household with at least one senior spends does not cover the cost of these expensive treatments for serious illnesses. Beside these expenses on medications mobility aids are also a common expense for seniors which may cost up to $10,000 and in Ontario alone only 76% of these cost are covered as long as they are prescribed by a health professional, and the other 25% are to rely on charitable groups or their long time saving plans, which in this case would not last

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