
Instrumentation & Measurement: Calibration of Straightness and Flatness Laboratory Report

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1. Summary 1

2. Introduction 1-3

1.1 Least Squares Method 2 1.1.1 Method 2 1.2 Minimum Zone Method 3

2. Objectives 3

3. Apparatus 3-4

4. Procedure 4

5. Results 4-7

5.1 Straightness 4-6 5.2 Flatness 7

6. Discussion 8-10

6.1 Straightness 8 6.2 Flatness 8-9 6.3 Closing error 9-10

7. Conclusion 10

8. References 10

9. Appendices 11-15

9.1 Appendix A-Procedure 11-13 9.2 Appendix B-Certificates of calibration 14-15

1. Summary

The aim of this experiment was to examine three methods for determining the straightness and flatness of a horizontal granite surface. The first method was manual and the other two (Least Squares method and Minimum Zone method) were analysed by the computer, after a set of data …show more content…

Computer aided calibration of the flatness of large surfaces

3. Apparatus

▪ ''Talyvel'' electronic level with stride base (Fig. 3.1) ▪ Analogue/ Digital (RS232) interface ▪ 900 mm × 600 mm surface table (Fig. 3.2) ▪ PC with SURFSURE flatness software

''Talyvel'' is a precision level instrument in which the usual spirit bubble is replaced by a pendulum, which co-operates with transducers that provide electrical displacement signals. These signals are amplified to feed a centre-zero meter, where displacements can be recorded.
Fig. 3.1 ''Talyvel'' electronic level
Fig. 3.2 Top view of granite surface table

4. Procedure

(refer to Appendix A: Calibration of straightness and flatness)

5. Results

5.1 Straightness

The table below was constructed using results obtained from generator 4 (manual straightness calibration).

|Position |Distance (mm) |Angle (sec) |Incremental Height (μm) |Accumulated Height (μm) |Adjusted Height (μm) |
|A |0 |0.0 |0.00 |0.00 |0.000000 |
|A-B |100 |0.0 |0.00 |0.00 |2.343107 |
|B-C |200 |-0.5 |0.25 |0.25

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