
Insignificant Gestures By Joe Cannon

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Insignificant gestures
Life can be tough sometimes and making grievous mistakes is occasionally part of it. Doing something which you later regret or being disappointed with yourself for what you did not do, when you had the chance, often haunt our minds, making us desire to peel back time. Unfortunately, this is an impossible task and some seem to be stuck in regretting what is locked in the past. This is the main theme of Joe Cannon’s novel “Insignificant gestures” from 2007.
This essay will focus on an analysis of the narrator's error of judgment, the significance of time and place, a characterization of the narrator and the relationship between the narrator and Celia.
A 28-year-old doctor from England travels to Africa with commission from …show more content…

Furthermore, he has a tendency of exercising hindsight: “I barely recognise the man I was then. A thin strand of consciousness is all that connects us. (…) I see myself step between patients in their straw mat, believing I could make a difference.” (S.1 l. 13)

He appears as a naive person who regards himself of playing an important role in saving people’s lives, but as he grows older, he realises how futile his efforts were. He was powerless of curing patients, and likewise of dealing with corruption, when he realises that Celia’s boyfriend was imprisoned without reason: “And then I remembered the boy. The police chief was unperturbed: “Of course, doctor” he murmured, when I said I wanted to change my statement and that the boy should be released. But he didn’t write anything down.” (S.4 L. 125) He is a loyal and honest person, who admits his oversight – but without the desired effect.
Celia meant a lot to the main character and he deeply admired her: “Celia was my companion; our elbows at the table never touched. I marvelled that with only three years of schooling she could draw so well. She was a natural. “(S. 2 l. 55) He has no other friends but Celia during his visit. Their relationship is not sexual and they have no body

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