
Initiation By Sylvia Plath Analysis

Decent Essays

Initiation Joan D. Vinge once said, “We are all born with a unique genetic blueprint, which lays out the basic characteristics of our personality as well as our physical health and appearance... And yet, we all know that life experiences do change us.” In the short story, “Initiation,” by Sylvia Plath, Millicent, a teenage girl whom is being initiated into a high school sorority must go five days doing what their sorority big sister commands them to do. While being initiated, Millicent starts to realize that while being part of a group that she’s been longing to be apart of is great, being an individual and creating yourself makes you more unique than those who are part of a group. Having individuality allows you to be more free, and makes you more memorable to those around you. …show more content…

Her last encounter said something that inspired Millicent to be an individual and to not continue with her initiation with the exclusive social group. "Heather birds live on the mythological moors and fly about all day long, singing wild and sweet in the sun. They're bright purple and have very tasty eyebrows." She realized that the heather birds get to fly around all day doing whatever they like. They can be free from others and be spontaneous. A person that’s not a part of a group is more memorable to people than someone that is. An individual is more of their own leader but in a group, there is usually one leader and several of followers. It’s the freedom of being an individual is what makes it great. “Swooping carefree over the moors, they would go singing and crying out across the great spaces of air, dipping and darting, strong and proud in their freedom and their sometime

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