
Inherit The Wind Henry Drummond

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The world that one lives in is often filled with illusions meant to deter one from finding out the reality of things, and discerning the reality from it’s appearance is a very challenging thing for one to do. In the play Inherit the Wind, written by both Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee, one of the most prominent themes is that one must look beyond the surface of others to seek the truth. Despite living in a world where hiding behind false facades is typical, it is not until one meets people like Henry Drummond, Reverend Jeremiah Brown, and Matthew Harrison Brady that one realizes how distorted the pretense is from the truth.
First of all, Henry Drummond is a character who shows the city of Hillsborough and the reader that not everyone …show more content…

However, as the play progresses, one can clearly see that Henry Drummond is a kind-hearted gentleman who believes that everyone deserves a chance. When the entire town goes against Bertram Cates, including his very own girlfriend Rachel Brown, it is Drummond who shows his empathy and compassion by sticking beside Cates and even offering some very thoughtful and intellectual advice. His compassion is once again shown when Drummond states “ Bert Cates is a good man. Maybe even a great one. And it takes strength for a women to love such a man. Especially when he’s a pariah in the community” (Lawrence and Lee 49), while comforting a hysterical Rachel. In addition, as the trial comes to an end, Henry Drummond reveals that despite popular beliefs, one can be an evolutionist and a creationist as well. When Drummond calls Matthew Harrison Brady to be his witness, he is seen time and time again correcting Brady on his biblical references, thus showcasing his in-depth knowledge on the bible. Simultaneously, he is seen bringing up information present in Darwin’s Theory of Evolution and presenting it without the slightest bit of hesitation. Furthermore, …show more content…

He appears very confident, but in reality he is just a child who cannot handle the notion of defeat. Near the end of the trial, when Brady is questioned by Drummond on the witness stand, he completely loses it and recites as many biblical facts as could in his frenzie. As a result, the crowd laughs at his pathetic attempts of bring the courthouse back in his favour. Later, when the trial comes to an end, Brady is seen whining to his wife and crying, “Mother. They’re laughing at me, Mother!” (91). He goes even further by saying, “ I can’t stand it when they laugh at me!” (91). Hence, Brady’s reaction to the trial goes on to reveal his immature side and his fragile self-esteem. In addition to his immaturity, Brady is also a very cunning man. At first glance he seems to be a kind-hearted politician, but as the play progresses one can clearly see Brady’s more devious ways. He is seen using his charm on Rachel to gain valuable information about Cates, of which he plans on using against the accused during the trial. Infact, during the trial, he gets Rachel to come on the witness stand and through his well phrased questions, is able to get Rachel to reveal Cates secrets and twisting them to make Cates appear as a sinner. All in all, Brady’s childish yet crafty antics prove that Matthew Harrison Brady is not who he appears to

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