
Inguinal Hernia Repair

Decent Essays

An account of a patient whose care I was involved during my clinical placement (anaesthetic care module)

The patient, while undergoing a routine physical examination, presented a hernia complication. It was an incisional hernia with a notable lesion around the groin. The complication was detected from an informal diagnosis by a family member after a manifestation of a bulge around the inguinal region. The patient had a history of constant but intermittent intra-abdominal pressure from physical activities. The hernia complication was reported to manifest external bulges and internal pain in the abdomen from time to time. The patient was put under routine observation, and the examination confirmed a history of characteristic swelling …show more content…

It is a preferred procedure amongst most surgeons mainly because it facilitates a tension-free mesh repair. The Lichtenstein hernioplasty procedure is currently the most modernistic approach in inguinal hernia repair techniques. It intersects the anatomy of the inguinal canal most efficiently without creating tension or negatively affecting the pressure of the abdomen. The use of Inguinal Hernia repair using Mesh is justified by the presentation of an inguinal hernia (Bittner & Schwarz, 2011). I choose to focus on this care approach because of the patient problems that match the conditions for this type of medical involvement. The patient has complications similar to the conditions given in the mainstream practice of Inguinal Hernia Repair using mesh, as the intrusion of the femoral space by the protrusion of the hernia after the initial laparoscopic repair, the presentation of suspect symptoms around the inguinal region and observable incarceration of the hernia and a reducible …show more content…

This was then followed by the use of plugs to contain the internal ring used to contain the protrusion caused by a hernia as devised by surgeon Ambroise Pare. Surgical interventions on hernia repair without prosthetics such as mesh were inferior and reported almost a 100% follow up cases of patients with a hernia recurrence. In additional to this, there were fatalities from the failure of the surgical procedures. As from experience a rapid shift to the use of mesh prosthetics to repair sutures in the implementation of surgical interventions to aid patients came to be (Holzheimer,

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