Informative Speech Outline General Purpose: To inform the audience about the importance of art Specific Purpose: To inform the audience about the importance of art in the society by stating the impact of art on the society through history, in a cultural point of view, and as a way to convey a message I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: Art is something that could be defined in many ways. It is something created by humans to affect feelings, emotions, and intellects. According to Aristotle: “Art completes what nature cannot bring to finish. The artist gives us knowledge of nature's unrealized ends.” ( B. Reason To Listen: Everyone has been impacted by art …show more content…
Artists switched to a new representation of the world by creating more abstract figures. i. [Slide] The first painting was by Vincent Van Gogh in 1889 named The Starry Night. This painting shows how the artist, during the modern art era, changed the way to conceive art by painting the world in an unrealistic way. ii. [Slide] The second painting is part of the Contemporary period that began after the Second World War. It was made by Andy Warhol in 1967 and named Marilyn. [Blank Slide] iii. Those periods are quite similar regarding style. Indeed, those periods signed a rupture with the renaissance by making art unrealistic. B. Art as Symbol of a culture: As seen previously, art evolved and changed through history. However, it didn’t change only through the centuries but as well art changed according to the culture. Art is represented differently and has various criteria in every culture. 1. Europe: Even within the European culture, art is different in each civilization such as the Greek or the Egyptian art, but during the renaissance, European art started to be more homogenous in the style. i. [Slide] This painting was made by Renoir in 1881 and named Luncheon of the Boating Party. It shows people having a lunch in France. The painting shows the culture’s clothing and quotidian life. [Blank Slide] 2. The Americas: The American art differed as well according to
During the Medieval period in Europe, the ______________________ dictated much of what happened in art and society.
Feedback: The correct answer is b. The historical revival of Classical culture began during the Renaissance.
Art is a particular form of social consciousness and of human activities, an important way for people to perceive, discover and improve life: according to the laws of beauty. It is the creation of tangible or intangible products containing great values of thought-aesthetics, cultural character, and emotions. In this sense, there are numerous types of art. Painting is one of the oldest forms of art on earth. From prehistoric times, artists not only used it to communicate, but they also used painting to entertain the viewers. Painting can be transformed, eliminating the tedium, fatigue, and stress in daily tasks to bring the joy. Fun in life or silence for the soul. In other words, painting is a language that communicates an artist 's ideas
Painting portraits, portraits of women, youth and loved ones became more popular than scenery. Here, women are no longer mythological creatures and have stepped out into everyday life, although there is still an air of idealism around them. (Fig. 2)is a work of this period with an emphasis on the female element.
Compare and Contrast works of art that represent the 15th Century Early Renaissance art and 16th Century Northern European art. The artists Masaccio and Grunewald will be used to illustrate the differences and similarities in the styles of art. Their works of art are chosen for their interpretation of the style that was representative during these eras. Early Renaissance artists used mathematical one-point linear perspective to create illusions of depth and depicted the human body as realistic and natural. Northern European artist used medieval mysticism and intense emotional spirituality and they used illustrative human figures rather than realistic depictions. By understanding the corresponding and distinctions between these two works of art we can understand why they created their artwork in the respective style to their era.
Art during the Italian Renaissance differed from art during the Middle Ages. The two have contrasting characteristics and concepts. To the people in the medieval world, religion was their life. Everything in daily life focused around the church and God (Modern World 164). Medieval culture influenced the arts; this was evident in the religious themes. During the Italian Renaissance, painters and other artists focused on the portrayal of a more humanistic way of life. Renaissance artists’ work portrayed realism with “lifelike human figures in their paintings” (Modern World 164). Renaissance artists wanted to express ancient Greek and Roman cultures in their work (Modern World 162). Italian Renaissance
Middle Age art and Renaissance art has one common characteristic: many are themed around Christianity. However, as far as style is concerned, the two periods vary greatly. Middle Age art was about function. The pieces told the stories of the Church and of war. The colors were muted because of a lack of good paint. Perspective and proportions were incorrect. The faces of figures were not realistic and generally very masculine. The statues were done in relief and the paintings seemed flat. In contrast, art in The Renaissance was about beauty. The pieces invoked emotion while telling a story. The colors were bright and vibrant
The influences of any era is evident through artwork and architecture. During the Middle Ages the main influence was the church, this is evident through the focus on biblical and religious symbols. During the Renaissance the main focus was the study of people. This is shown through the increase in self portraits and classical antiquity-inspired buildings. The change between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance is best shown through the art and architecture, demonstrated specifically through an emphasis on religion and classical antiquity, both suggesting a clear cultural change. The culture of both of these eras was greatly shaped by the studies of humanism and theology.
Attention Getter: Art can be used to express our innermost feelings and to convey ideas about anything such as society, economics, education, religion, and politics.
The first is a medieval painting, created by the Italian painter Duccio creation, we can see that his paintings are characterized by a typical dark tones, because it is the early Virgin image, painting skills are not too mature, more oil painting Has not been born, cannot be repeated stacking, repeated changes, and thus in the character image of the expressive force is not perfect, it is not a strong light and shadow effect, but on the basis of flat painted slightly darker blooming, so that the face of the Structure and clothing pattern to show the bumps. However, as time goes on, the earlier the icon on the image, the less the effect of three, the basic lines are outlined in the plane, with color is simple and bright. But the phenomenon of rigid expression until the 16th century when the image has not been
This masterpiece was painted by Van Gogh in 1889 while he was receiving treatment in Saint-Paul-de-Mausole, a mental asylum. The beautiful painting that many people have come to love today was never appreciated during its own time. Various art critics thought that the large brush strokes Van Gogh had made in Starry Night seemed “messy” and “childlike”. The strokes also convinced people that Van Gogh was truly crazy and that he was not as talented as other artists. Yet the pencil thick lines are what made the painting look hyper-realistic and eye-catching. They have a calming, consistent effect on people whose eyes want to follow the swirls and lines. The brush strokes that Van Gogh added more texture, detail, and blended the colors easily to one another in Starry Night. The realistic details make it feel as if the painting is trying to get a message across to the public. With every line that Vincent van Gogh had made he put as much feelings into them as he did with effort.
In the art world, the medieval periods were traditionally though to be the unproductive phase of Europe between the decline of Rome and the Renaissance. Our modern feelings toward medieval art are far more appreciative. The main intent of Medieval art was to express Christianity which was also a common bond between a wide spread and diverse Europe. For this reason most of the art found from medieval times originated in monasteries and churches. European art during the Middle Ages can be divided into four periods. These four periods include Celto-Germanic art which ranged from 400 to 800 A.D. and was important in metal work. Carolingian art ranged from 750 to 987 A.D. overlapping 50 years of the Celto-Germanic period. The
Art is an object or piece of work that brings one pleasure. Art is also something you see or feel and you cannot even begin to describe the ways you like it or how it makes you feel. Art is something that portrays beauty and happiness. Art lets you see the world through another person’s perspective. Most art seems to tell a story about where a person has been and the things they have encountered along the way. It lets you connect with the artist and see things through their eyes. Art is a way of expressing one’s self without words. When I think of art, I think of paintings, portraits, sketches, and sculptures.
Art is a form of human expression. Art can be seen as the artist sleight of hand on his mood. Art is in various media from posters to public wall of which we call “graffiti”. Art is elusive as the use of colors shapes and the surface used adds a new dimension. Art portrays various ideas, feelings such as triumph, love, happiness, sorrow and boredom in loss to mention a few. Art is beauty and creativity. During man’s evolution art has progressed over in its most primitive state up to its most modernized versions today.
Art Education is very important for students. A growing body of research suggests that the arts offer students a unique, valuable way to grow intellectually, socially and emotionally. These things are all associated with creativity. Schools today want to focus more on the four core classes math, science, english, and social studies which is acceptable for some students who are academically stronger in school. Opposed to the students who have a harder time focusing in school and we see them drawing when they need to be taking notes. Creativity today has become less and less more visible in classrooms in America. Due to the expansion of technology people see that it takes less time to look an idea up on the internet rather than taking the time to come up with something original.