
Informative Speech : A Speech On Dyslexia

Decent Essays

Topic: Dyslexia
General Purpose: To inform the audience about dyslexia.
The word dyslexia derives from Greek origin. The Greek prefix “dys” means difficult and the Greek “lexia” means read, so we can infer that dyslexia means “difficulty in reading” (Hennigh 1995).
I. The definition of dyslexia.
According to Gavin Reid in his book Dyslexia A Practitioner’s Handbook, ¬dyslexia is a “neurological disability that is characterized by difficulties with learning to read, write, and spell.”
II. The history of dyslexia.
Dr. Rudolf first introduced the term “dyslexia” in 1887, when he suggested that difficulty with reading may be caused by “cerebral disease instead of brain injury” (Hennigh 1995).
Whenever you think of dyslexia, you may think of people confusing their left from their right in a sense of direction, writing run instead of fun by mistake on a quiz, or putting the number six in the calculator instead of nine, but dyslexia is more than that.
III. What is Dyslexia? You may ask.
Dyslexia is also known as a language communication disability, which includes three categories.
The first category is visual dyslexia, it is characterized by reversal of letters and numbers; faulty sequencing of letters in words, numbers in series, and events in narrative; problems in processing, interpreting, and recalling images (Huston 1987).
The second category of dyslexia, auditory dyslexia, is not a disability caused by any loss of hearing but the difficulty in processing and interpreting

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