Have you ever heard people say pit bulls are dangerous and vicious well there wrong.Pit bulls can be the nicest dog in the world if people give them love then you have a wonderful dog.I’m all for having a pitbull there really cute funny and playful and can make the best companion. and ever heard the saying a dogs a man's best friend well this is that kind of dog there referring too.
At one time pitbulls where one of the most popular breeds in america.
People loved them and played with them all day and everyone had them.In the 1900’s that’s when they blew up “in the early 1900’s the pitbull was one of the most popular breeds in america”. They were also a symbol of american pride during that same time period people took pride in them and loved them ,but something has changed but
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“stubby was the unofficial mascot of the 102nd Infantry Division he once saved his entire platoon by warning them of a poison gas attack”.
On the other side some people don't have the same idea when it comes to this topic they think pitbulls are the most dangerous dog in the world.But it doesn't make sense when a different kind of dog can do the same thing, but i do get it they do have instincts to grab on and not let go. But usually those are the ones who are raised wrong and don't get loved and cared for like other
The Pit Bull is super loyal to their owners. Once they realize that you are in charge they would do anything in their power to make you happy. They are social breed so they do well with children. They may not be the best guard dog because of how much they love people. If they are properly socialized when they are a puppy, they would be great dogs. When you get a Pit bull you have a best friend tell they die.
Pit bulls have been commonly mistaken to be vicious dogs. A good opinion,why pitbulls should be allowed to be kept as pets because they are very well behaved. Pit bulls are number two rated for the best behaved dog. Pit bulls are number one rated for the best family dogs. Pit bulls are extremely easy to take care of. Pit bulls are so nice that most people think that they could definitely beat a stuffed animal as being more likely to be cuddled with because they are so nice and soft.
As stated in the text, “ Pit bulls became a symbol of america pride, and their image was on posters to recruit soldiers during World War 1. Pit bulls became a symbol during war, shows that they were honored and still might be honored today. Pit bulls might not be loved but they are honored.
When i hear that someone has done something to a dog i get sad but sometimes there are dogs that getting hurt or killed because they attacked someone or something living. Although that pit bulls are number one of the most dangerous dogs but you gotta get over them and get to know them. They are friendly because they once helped in the military and what job the dogs had is a gaurd dogs. Para 1- Pit bulls are very unique and are very energetic with a loving heart they are very good guard dogs. The reason they are good guard dogs for people with problems they help them get stuff to help.
99% of issues that arise with pit bulls have to do with owners who are idiots. The truth is that this breed has many good traits. A super-dog, if you will. And although the media focuses on the negative aspects, in reality they can be awesome pets for the smart owner. Here are six reasons why:
The pits that are raised in a fighting environment usually are the more aggressive dogs and the more likely to be euthanized because of their aggressive behavior. These fighting dogs are the reasons for most of the stereotypes directed towards the dog breeds. For example: “Pit bulls are the most aggressive dog breed” (17 Things...) Pit Bulls scored an 86.8% on the American Temperament Test or the ATT, which is a test that all dog breeds take in order to figure out the dog’s temper and aggression. The higher the score the better the dog, and the Pits just so happen to score second best, putting them above other common “nicer” household dogs like the Golden Retriever, the Beagle and the German Shepherd (Pisani). There are also many Pit Bulls being blamed for the actions of their owners, because of many of these actions it has caused many states to ban Pits. There are 17 states in the U.S. that have some type of pan against the breed (Pit Bull Bans (USA)...). Although these bans are places many criminals still continue to breed the dogs under ground and receive no
It is said by pit bull owners, that they are one of the most loving and affectionate breed of dog there is. The viciousness, in some of them, is due solely to how they are
Although pit bulls are known to be dangerous, all dogs can act up at times. Pit bulls are popular dogs, heroes, and can show American pride.
The main reason pit bulls attack is because they are mentally unstable, a mixed breed and show overbearing traits, or because they are mistreated by their owners. The public must understand that the three “pit bull breeds were bred for dog fighting and bear and bull-baiting” (PBRC). On the other hand, they were also kept as “nanny dogs” and used for herding cattle. “Pit bulls are ideal for therapy work because of their pleasant nature” (PBRC). These are three of the most stable breeds known to man. They have a very high temperament test score, 86% as of 2010, a lot higher than most breeds. “The American Pit Bull Terrier is one of the top 5 most stable breeds in the country” (PBRC). Anyone can see that this is an excellent breed of dog. There are a few things that people should know though. “Pit bulls have a lower Tolerance to dogs, but with any breed, a dog’s tolerance changes as they mature” (PBRC). “Maturity can come late with pit bull breeds” (Villalobos Rescue Center). The reason for this low tolerance is because of their history of dog fighting. It has been bred into them to have the will to fight. Pit bulls usually do not start a fight most of the time, but they will not back down or give up. Due to this, owners must be cautious and attentive.
Pit bulls are born mean, human aggressive and are born killers. They are fighting dogs and are used to sell drugs. Owners of pit bull face this type of scrutiny, they cannot go certain places without judgement. But are pit bulls everything people think they are? The short answer is no, in fact these are all myths and common misconceptions that
2. Pit bulls are loving, tender, faithful, and they are protective over the families they belong to. We, as owners and pet lovers, need to take the steps to ensure the image of this breed is restored; We need to speak up for the underdog.
Therefore, they are not willing to take the risk when it comes to their well- being and children. However, pit bulls crave attention and love. Therefore, they can be one of the most affectionate dog breeds out there. Dr. Ian Dunbar (1999) writes: "Today, a properly bred pit bull is so exuberantly happy upon meeting her owner's friends (or even friendly strangers) that new owners sometimes worry that their dog is too sweet and fun-loving to protect their home and family” (Dunbar 2). Plus, their intimidating looks can serve many benefits to the community. For instance, pit bulls are extremely loyal animals and will do anything to protect the people they love. They can keep robbers or bad people in general from harming people of the
However, these factors are present in all dog breeds. You can raise a friendly, sociable, and perfectly safe pit bull as you can a dog of any other breed. However, failing to do this presents a greater public danger than a misanthropic Chiwawa, which doesn't possess the physical means to cause the same kind of physical harm. If you intend to get a pit bull puppy, make sure it is well socialized early on while it's still a puppy. Pit bulls are generally tolerant of people, but less so with other dogs.
Owning a pit bull in today’s day and age has one of two reactions: Either the person loves them or is terrified of them. There are so many myths about Pit Bulls and they are just that. Myths. Some of the myths that surround pit bulls are that they have “lock jaw” and they have a killer instinct that does not stop at just killing other animals. Pit bull advocates, such as myself, know that Pit Bulls have always been known as the “nanny dog” throughout history because of how much they love children and their loyalty to their families. Mean or vicious dogs come from ignorant, irresponsible owners. The bottom line is that not all pit bulls are bad.
Pit bulls are the most misunderstood dog breeds in the world. When people hear the word pit bull they automatically think of dogs fighting and attacking. When people say "pit bull" they're usually referring to a range of breeds and, often, a mixed-breed dog. (Lawrence, C Louisville Magazine Feb 2007) People think they are a very dangerous breed of dog. Because of this, some areas do not allow pit bulls and breeds like them. Pit bulls are the leading culprit of dog bites in America, but on the other hand, they are the gentlest dogs people will ever meet. The National Canine Temperament Testing Association