
Information Technology Strategic Pl An Organization Essay

Decent Essays

Information Technology Strategic Plan
An information technology (IT) strategic plan incorporates all components in an organization relevant to the administration of technology including cost, human capital, management, hardware and software management, vendor management, risk management and all other considerations in the enterprise IT environment. This comprehensive roadmap is used by IT professionals and leaders as a directive for setting an organization’s future technology objectives. (TechTarget, 2015).
In this paper this author will enact the role of a senior business consultant within the phantom corporation, Savvy’s Inc., an upscale brick and mortar department store, expanding its online capabilities. The company is seeking to gain better traction in customer satisfaction and loyalty. Current yearly revenue for the business is $5 million. Management predicts the trajectory of yearly revenues for Savvy’s to top $20 million per year with the infusion of current technology. As the senior business consultant for Savvy’s, this writer’s paper outline begins with an introductory statement of the company, including its organizational vision and mission. The paper proceeds by specifying the current situation of the company regarding technology and security aspects. Additionally, this author will determine the information technology personnel roles necessary for gaining better traction of customer satisfaction and loyalty. Next, a SWOT analysis will be conducted,

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