Two types of influenza vaccine are available, including inacBIVated (killed) preparation via intramuscular injection, as well as a live attenuated, cold-adapted influenza vaccine delivered nasally. Mostly available marketed Inactivated vaccines are further categorized as whole virus, split virus or subunit types, which is composed of two influenza A strains and one B strain .
The thought of vaccination is synonymous with the fear of needles to many people is known as Trypanophobia. Noninvasive, needle-free mode of vaccination approach being developed is the use of a vaccine patch which delivers the vaccine through the skin is referred to as transcutaneous immunization (TCI),where the skin act as an immunologically active site with the
A 65 year old female with diabetes and asthma presented with subjective chills, lethargy, arthralgias, and myalgias lasting over 2 days. She mentioned having received the inactivated influenza vaccine 5 days back. Vital signs were stable apart from sinus tachycardia (HR 143/min). Labs, including CBC and BMP, were within normal limits except for baseline normocytic anemia (Hb 10.7 g/dl). Serum calcium was 10.8 mg/dl. She was observed for a day, and was discharged home with supportive treatment. She presented a day later with persistent flu like symptoms. Labs were significant for a serum calcium being above 22 mg/dl, normal renal function, normal total protein, albumin, ACE levels, clear urine with no albuminuria, low
The CDC's ad campaign promoting influenza vaccinations has a widespread appeal to many audiences due to its use of several proven persuasive techniques. Through the use of association, flattery, and universal appeal, as well as a variety of strategies, the ad campaign is highly convincing and is able to reach many audiences.
I can easily say that I agree with this article and that I am 100% pro flu shot. With my history as a pharmacy technician I did find myself being able to successfuly convincing some of our patients to receive their flu shots during their visits to the pharmacy. Through working their I learned a lot about how the influenza virus can impact our well being. I did find it suprising that the University of Chicago was able to accuratley predict the flu seasons for the past 15 years and never thought about looking into Australia's flu season and using data collected from them to help prepare for the US's flu season. According to our text book, An Invitation to Health, "Influenza viruses, which can change their outer protein coats so dramatically that
Health care governments have endorsed an assortment of vaccination policies and mediations to safeguard against the known dangers of influenza communication, with longer patient stays, absenteeism, intermissions in health care, and death. Studies assessing the consequence of health care workers vaccination found that health care workers influenza vaccination was linked with a decrease in patient death (Murana, 2014). Assessing the results of health care worker influenza vaccination on patient results anticipated that if all health care workers were vaccinated, patient influenza infections could be stopped.
When people see or hear advertisements, whether it be in a magazine or on television, many do not stop to consider or analyze the techniques that go into making the advertisement effective. For instance, the Center for Disease Control has a campaign that has the purpose of promoting the influenza vaccination. If you examine the campaign closely, it becomes clear that the advertising campaign targets a diverse audience of all ages, genders, and races who could all benefit from getting an influenza vaccination. In this advertisement campaign, the Center for Disease Control effectively promotes the benefits of getting an influenza vaccination to a targeted audience using numerous persuasive techniques such as association and universal appeal.
The influenza vaccination in not only beneficial to recipients but also those that come in contact with the individuals exposed to or at risk for contracting influenza. Health care workers are at a constant risk of exposure to various diseases and illness including influenza. An emergency such as a vaccination shortage for influenza will not only affect at risk individuals but spread rapidly to all those exposed without knowledge or a-symptomatic at time of encounter. Health care workers will be exposed in physician offices, hospitals, emergency care or urgent care centers with heightened possibility of spreading the illness (CDC, 2015). Health care workers are not limited to the obvious: physicians or nurses but also, therapists, EMS,
Everywhere you look you see ads on the tv, at the store, on the highway, even in school you will sometimes see some sort of advertising one ad you will see more frequently during flu season are ads put out by the center for disease control but what makes an add effective to a certain audience? In America alone an average of between 5 and 20 percent of americans will be infected with the influenza virus per year. The CDC has been effectively running their flu vaccination for many years now but the question is what makes these adds effective or ineffective? The three adds benefits of vaccination, quiz add, and travel ad each have a certain techniques they use to promote vaccination.
For many, getting immunization shots can be an unpleasant experience. Some dislike the pain, whereas others outright have a fear of needles. In third world countries, more problems with traditional vaccines arise due to the inability to refrigerate medications and unsanitary environments. [1]. Luckily, there is now a solution to all of these problems and it’s called the ImmunoMatrix.
Throughout the years, humanity has created vaccines, a form of preparation used as a preventive inoculation to give immunity against any specific disease. The brave souls that put their lives at risk helping the injured, infected and preventing the spread should have the best form of defense when working. One simple and inexpensive defense would be to utilize the vaccinations that are created. The influenza vaccination should be mandatory for all healthcare workers who continue in their line of work.
Throughout history, vaccinations have been used to help the prevention of infectious diseases; some of which can produce serious illnesses, crippling disabilities, and ultimately be the cause of death. There is evidence of ancient culture’s attempting to treat transmittable diseases with various forms of inoculations. Developments in the research of vaccinations increased during the mid-twentieth century because of the established of more advanced laboratories, improved equipment, and new innovations. The progression of medicine during history has helped further the development of research into vaccinations. Several cultural, ethical, and religious issues have resulted from the development and use of vaccinations in our society. The topic of vaccinations has caused a strong debate amongst our culture about the safety and danger of treating infectious diseases with such methods.
Influenza viruses are divided into three classes. These are A, B, and C. Influenza A and B are blamed for the increases in hospitalization and deaths each year. The aim of receiving an annual vaccine is to prevent spreading infections. Since flu outbreaks vary, it is recommended that individuals receive a vaccination for the flu
The Influenza virus seems to be very difficult to deal with in general due to its mutation which makes it require different flu vaccines annually. Considering the fact that it contains eight different RNA strands covered by a lipid layer as stated. Having your test come out false negative shows how tricky this virus could
The single most essential development in the fight against infectious disease has been the creation of vaccines to inoculate individuals against a variety of incredibly dangerous viruses, bacteria, parasites, and pathogens1. Following their development in 1796, vaccinations have lead to unimaginable progress in the medical field as vaccine intervention has facilitated a reduction in the morbidity and mortality associated with infectious disease and by extension, contributed to an enhanced of quality life for all individuals1. Despite the incredible benefits associated with vaccines there is still the potential for adverse events to occur as a result of vaccination2, as no medical intervention is completely free of risk. Therefore it is essential
There are three types of the influenza virus: Type A, B, and C. Types A and B are contracted and spread by human-to-human transmission.
Influenza is also referred to as flu and it is a respiratory infection that is caused by viruses which are a significant cause of respiratory disorders in human being and range from seasonal, endemic and pandemic infections. These viruses pass through the airways and enter into the body via the mouth or nose. About 5-20% of the people in the US suffer from the flu every year. There are several strains of the virus and they have been known to cause pandemics that kill millions worldwide. It can be deadly for the vulnerable populations such as the elderly, newborns and those suffering from chronic illnesses(National Institutes of Health, 2012).