
Inequality In The Handmaid's Tale By Margaret Atwood

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Imagine existing in a world where you have no personal freedom or voice. You aren’t allowed to write, read, talk or express your opinions as a result of being female. How would you feel? The ideas throughout Margaret Atwood’s award winning allegory “The Handmaids Tale” leave the reader questioning inequality not only in the book but in today’s contemporary society. It demonstrates the internal and external struggles that women in a patriarchal society are exposed to and focuses on the suppression and denial of human rights towards them. This dystopian novel accentuates inequality through didactic themes such as sexism, control and violence while thoroughly exploring the domination that men hold over women. “The Handmaid’s Tale” was published …show more content…

The concept that women are not on the same level as men has always been a notion throughout society. Since existence, the prominent barrier between the two genders has been apparent. Atwood’s novel “The Handmaids Tale” vividly manifests the idea of sexism and inequality that women are exposed to and by doing so, her depiction of a dystopian society cleverly criticizes the behavior towards women in the present day. Although Atwood exaggerates these issues throughout the book, she undeniably demonstrates what could be the result of inequality in the future making the reader question the imbalance between male and females in today’s society. It is virtually impossible to read this eye-opening novel without becoming aware of these issues. Although Margaret Atwood has strong feminist views she never forces her own opinions on others, instead she raises questions about the issues of sexism and gender inequality letting the reader interpret the novel in their own way. Furthermore, Atwood’s portrayal of subjection and oppression is shown through certain characters. Offred represents the denial of human rights towards women and the inhumanity they face and states that “If Moira thought she could create Utopia by shutting herself up in a woman-only enclave she was sadly mistaken. Men were not just going to go away” When the regime took over, women’s jobs were immediately dismissed. “You can't work here anymore, it's the law”. The law established that women were no longer permitted to money or property; instead everything is to be handed over to a male relative. Offred in particular became conscious of the fact that her husband Luke has complete ownership of her. “We are not each other's, any more. Instead, I am his”. In New Zealand, statistics show that in 2014, the gender pay gap was 9.9 percent. Although it has steadily

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