
Inequality In Ray Bradbury's All Summer In A Day

Decent Essays

All Summer in a day, a short story by Ray Bradbury shows the idea of inequality and how it blinds people from empathy. Because Margot is from earth, and feels differently from some things, the students have a hard time calling her equal, and understanding what she is feeling at that moment. Although this strong theme could be argued against, a main idea of the story is that the idea of inequality blinds people from empathy. Even though they are all the same age and in the same class, Margot moved to the planet where the story takes place, Venus, just a few years ago while the others had lived there for their entire lives. This is one of the many differences that causes the other students in the class to view Margot as unequal. Another reason the students may view her differently is because of how she may act towards some of the different things on the planet. For example, she panics when taking a shower because she is so tired of all of the rain, because it rains everyday on the planet. The students don't understand, and this adds to why they view her as unequal. …show more content…

A different theme that is in the story, yet not the strongest theme, is jealousy leading to evil actions. This theme can be seen once in the story. This theme is seen in the story when the other students in the class are jealous of her having previously seeing the sun. The kids decide to act evil out of jealousy and lock her up in the closet, preventing her from witnessing the sun. While this is a strong theme, the idea of inequality and how it can blind people from empathy is much stronger, and more relevant theme in the story, as there are many more examples of it in this short story by Ray

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