
Inequality In Langston Hughes's Short Story 'Slave On The Block'

Decent Essays

Discrimination and gender inequality have been continuous problems throughout the history of the United States. Langston Hughes imbeds political statements throughout his short stories against racism, and in in his short story “Slave on the Block;” he utilizes irony to expose the Carraways. They think they are liberal, but they are actually racist. In fact, Hughes goes on to prove, specifically through the Carraways, that racism is actually embedded in white people.
Throughout the story “Slave on the Block,” the Carraways, despite claiming they support equality and think they are being generous, manage to promote racism. Anne Carraway tries to prove to the families and people around her that she supports equal rights. At first, when Luther joins the household, Mrs Carraway seem welcoming, but as Luther continues to live with them, Luther is treated as an underdog. Mrs. Carrway, once she realizes what an attractive man he is she “wanted to paint him as a slave about to be sold. And since slaves in warm climates had no clothes, would he please take off his shirt” (35). She objectifies him as a slave and instead of nicely requesting for him to pose for her painting, she tells him what to do. …show more content…

In “Slave on the Block” he uses irony to show that both Mr and Mrs Carraway are racist. In life humans can act one way but really be another. They think they are liberal, but they are actually racist. Langston Hughes has many stories showing the significance of racism. In his short story “Trouble with Angels” Washington D.C, the capitol of the US serves as a symbol of racism when it's supposedly the heart of our democracy and freedom. Each story is full of Hypocrisy. In “Trouble with Angels” the “God” even though he was African American and supported equality didn’t stand up for his other performers when the theaters in DC denied them the right to

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