
Industrial Revolution: The Great Change In America

Satisfactory Essays

The Great Change in America

A discussion of the Industrial Revolution

The industrial time was good and bad at the same time for every working man that only had one skill that they had to be able to work at their job. It was as well for a time of great opportunities in the work field. The Industrial revolution boom gave an increasing amount of power over to the Americans and the machines that they are producing. The Industrial revolution was a massive change of everyone worldwide affect a lot of men, women and children in the world. It seems that the world was being reborn into a mechanical place of, change for country’s world to view.

As the Industrial revolution boomed in America and was so much more productive worldwide, people in the middle classes rises to the challenges of this era. As such the middle class of the industrial time was very tough and rough for many of the middle …show more content…

It was the beginning of a huge step for women to be supposedly equal to men in everyday things. In the beginning of the industrial era, women believed in equal pay as men get, instead of getting paid less for their work. As women go on working in factories it really change standards for a lot of traditional social status during this era. Women making a big difference in society and made looking back on easier times for people. They know what going to happen the next day and the day after that.
In conclusion the Industrial revolution had a several changes to the world, people, and how the workforce is like today. It as well changes the way we saw how to do an efficient, productive work experience. To a world of change and people of a way to look at factories and machines. The climate of work increased and people had to step it up to thrive in this era. The Industrial revolution was a massive change of everyone worldwide affect a lot of men, women and children in the

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