
Industrial Revolution Dbq Essay

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The Industrial Revolution was marked as the biggest shift from an agrarian, handcrafted economy, to an economy dominated by machines. The Industrial Revolution began during the 1700s in Great Britain when King George III was in power. The Industrial Revolution had many positive effects such as the invention of the railroad. It also had many negative effects like how many got sick and died because of the working conditions. Out of all the positive and the negative effects the lasting effects were major. One of the most major lasting effects was the environmental laws that were put in place to stop all of the pollution and trash in the sewage.
The Industrial Revolution had many positive effects. One of them being the invention of the railroad. The railroad changed the way of transportation. It helped people get around quicker and cheaper (Document 5). Also with the Industrial Revolution the houses started getting built better and the clothes got cheaper Document 5). So with this the standard of living for the people improved. Standard of living is the …show more content…

Many people working had very poor living conditions. Friedrich Engels describes the England streets, the slums, ¨...unpaved, full of holes, filthy and strewn with refuse.”and their rivers as ¨...coal-black and full of stinking filth and rubbish…(Document 9)¨ It wasn't just bad at their homes it was also bad at their work. Joseph Hebergam was a man who had been working at one of the many mills that had horrible working conditions. Working in these horrible conditions Joseph was told he would die within the year of 1832 because he had a severe illness. When asked how he got the illness he responded with, ¨He (the doctor) told me it was caused by the dust in the factories and from overwork and insufficient diet...¨ People just did not die because of an illness they also died from infections. These mills were working their workers to

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