
Industrial Farm Animal Welfare

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Industrial farm animal welfare is horrendous, only two federal laws protect these animals which proves this true. Firstly, the law regarding trucking animals states that every 28 hours they are unloaded from the truck for rest, water and food. Trucks aren’t required to be cleaned during this rest period. Meaning the livestock has to stand in feces during travel. Secondly, livestock be quickly rendered insensible to pain before being slaughtered. These laws aren’t actively enforced leading to increased animal cruelty. In addition to the surprising lack of empathy for these animals, poultry is exempt from both laws.
In the United States several bills known as “ag-gag” bills are backed by the animal-agriculture industry. The purpose of these …show more content…

These cows are restrained by tie stalls around their necks which holds them in the small stalls they are held in. Most farmers in the industry choose to remove 2/3rds of the cow's tail, again without painkillers. The theory behind this practice is that the udders will stay cleaner this way, but this has been disproven. To keep a steady milk flow the cows stay pregnant most of their lives. When the calf is born it is taken from its mother almost immediately to ensure all milk is getting collected. Male calves are raised for veal and females are raised for the next generation of dairy cows. When the cow turns 2 is it eligible for slaughter and most dairy cows are sent to slaughter by 5 years of age. This decision is dependent on the cows milk production and …show more content…

Hens also peck each other because of insufficient space. To avoid injury in this form the chickens beaks are cut off soon after they are born. After 18-24 months egg production slows and those hens are ready for slaughter. The Food Empowerment Project states that “Transporting hens to the slaughterhouse is an extremely traumatic event. Before they can be loaded into the trucks, they must be physically collected. Workers disperse throughout the shed and forcefully pull the exhausted hens from their cages. In the process, many of the hens suffer broken wings and legs. They are then loaded into transport crates and stacked onto large flatbed trucks. During transport, the unfamiliar sights, smells, sounds and movements cause severe stress.” Prior to these animals being killed they are kept in atrocious conditions and sadly it does not get any better for these animals at the

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