
Individual Schedules In Schools Case Study

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Theo Pound
Mrs. Mills
AP Lang
Mar. 13, 2016
The Quite Perplexing Case of Individual Schedules in Schools What need is pre-calculus to a student who plans to major in English? The common core system in schools has put a fraudulent idea in society's head that each human being must be proficient in every aspect of knowledge, even if one person may be more inclined to a certain form of learning, or a certain subject. This is what brings vocational and charter schools into the picture. Structured like miniature colleges, these schools have a curriculum based around a certain subject, such as math or art (Hammel). By giving students creative freedom over their schedules, and thus teaching to an individual, schools cater to every student, rather …show more content…

According to a six year study, using various different formats of class schedules, the most effective classes are characterized by structured approaches and also around the fact that "individual career exploration should be the cornerstone of the course" (Reardon). Individualizing student's schedules allow them to decide what they want to learn about, whether it be math or English. This gives them an insight into what their future careers might end up being. After the hurricane hit Louisiana, around 70% of the schools were rebuilt as charter schools (Hammel). To this day, those schools are functioning properly, while still managing to focus on specific subjects, like the arts, to fit their students needs and wants. What this means is for education is that schools not only do well with individual schedules, they thrive on them. The competition rate for these schools is very high, and they often have to resort to lottery systems to decide who gets in (Hammel). Not only do these schools have the option of individualized scheduling, students want them. They want to learn about specific subjects they will go into for future …show more content…

With the ability to gain a deeper knowledge of subjects they are interested in, they can get further ahead in their career. Many charter schools use some of their funding to hire alumni coordinators to help current students figure out where they want to go to college (Sanchez). This allows for students to gain knowledge from their peers who have already gone through this process, while also taking out the stress of applying to colleges. Deciding which college to attend is a very important decision to make, and can shape the rest of ones life. Charter schools offering guidance have given students an instrument of which to use in shaping their future. Charter schools are publicly funded, and, by law, they are required to let all students zoned for that school in, with a price of tuition free (Schwallie). This allows children from less fortunate families go to school and learn. This also gives all students equal opportunity to rise and become great. By being heavily beneficial to students futures, charter schools and individual schedules have become a very viable option for education

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