
Indian Reservations

Decent Essays

When the settlers invaded the Indian’s homeland, they weren’t happy about it. They were very angry. Some were forced out of their homeland, and others decided to stay because they were afraid to leave. The people who stayed were put into reservations. Reservations still exist today; it is land that is reserved for Indians under a treaty or an agreement. The Indians didn’t want to be put into reservations, but they had no other option but to agree with the government. I looked into the reservations and they still exist today. The Indian Country Today states that there is a housing crisis in Indian country. Despite the Indian Housing Authority's (IHAs) recent efforts, the need for adequate housing on reservations remains acute. I think that it is horrible what they’re going through after all of these years, you would think that they’re living conditions would have gotten better, but sadly it hasn’t improved. Moreover, I did some more research and Mr. Vanderstel from Conner Prairie stated that the migration was primarily a personal decision, dependent upon a variety of …show more content…

According to Pioneers West website, it states that the diseases proved to be the biggest killer of emigrants in the West. Smallpox, cholera, tuberculosis, diphtheria, typhoid, "mountain fever," and a host of other sicknesses frequently struck down settlers, who had little or no medical expertise. Imagine having to travel with someone who has contracted the disease, and you can’t help the person out because there is no medicine that could treat him or her. The only option is to wait patiently until they have passed away and find somewhere to bury them. The people who died on the road were put into holes. When they dug up the graves they would mark the graves, some would even try to camouflage the graves to keep animals and even people

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