
India 's Growth And Deterioration Of Insufficiency

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Over the last century China and India has had economic growth. There has been substantial deterioration in poverty in both poor countries, but much more so in China. However, that economic growth and deterioration of insufficiency was not spread equally among the lives of the poor especially as it relates to health. In comparison, the health outcome in China has been much better than that of India and has been for numerous decades. According to Kanjilal, Mazumdar, Mukherjee, and Rahman (2010) the lifespan in China had risen in 1975 to a rate that India still had not achieved in the year 2000; as an example, life expectancy rate at birth in India is currently the same as what China’s was in 1970. Additionally, 46% of the children age three and under in India are underweight, and only 8% in China; however, for children in India age five and under the mortality rate is more than two times that of China (Jones, Jones, Perry, Barclay, & Jones, 2010).
Both China and India shared comparable strategies as it relates to development and reform. In 1978, China started reform with a closed non-market economy, while India had an open market that was state controlled until 1980 (Cyril, Oldroyd, & Renzaho, 2013). The political settings were quite different under which reforms were introduced and executed which made the difference in the consequences amongst the two countries. India is still represented by an open take part multiparty democracy, while China has an authoritarian one party

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