
Increasing Medicare Eligibility

Decent Essays

Increasing Medicare Eligibility Age to 70 Medicare is the Federal government’s largest program and provides health care benefits to individuals that are 65 years old or old (Elmendorf, 2013). This program covers over 50 million Americans, including over 8 million disabled Americans (Raising Medicare's Eligibility Age: A Costly Benefit Cut for Senior, 2014). With the baby-boomer generation coming to the age of Medicare eligibility there is an estimated drastic increase in the number of individuals participating in Medicare for their health insurance (Elmendorf, 2013). With this being said some, including the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), believe that increasing the minimum age of eligibility will save the Federal government money (Meyerson, …show more content…

According to a Kaiser Family report from 2013 increasing the eligibility age would reduce Federal net spending by $5.7 billion in just one year (from 2013-2014). This decrease in net spending also includes a Federal gross savings of $31.1 billion (Neuman, 2011). Not only would the increase in eligibility age save the Federal government over $300 billion long-term, it would also help to extend Social Security for at least 75 years (Khimm, 2013). Many individuals rely on both of these systems once they reach eligibility age so prolonging the Social Security system for at least 75 help all those involved no matter when you start participating in Medicare coverage. The CBO has estimated that by 2021 increasing the Medicare eligibility age would reduce Federal spending, net of premiums, and other offsetting receipts by $148 billion by just increasing the minimum eligibility age to 67 (Meyerson, 2012). They have a plan to increase the eligibility age by 2 months every year starting with those that are born in 1951 (those who turn 65 in 2016) and continue until 2029 when those born in 1962 turn 67 (Elmendorf, 2013). Continuing this 2 month increase each year until the age reached 70 years old would continue to save more and more for the Federal …show more content…

There is an increase in health care advances which allows for many aging individuals to be able to live and work past the age of 65 (current Medicare eligibility age). Some individuals make the decision to retire at 65, even though they can continue to work, and qualify for Medicare instead of paying for health insurance through their old employers. If the age was increased to 70 years old and the same population continued to keep working then it would reduce the need for Medicare coverage for those that can still qualify for benefits through their employers (Davidoff, 2003). This would continue to save the Federal government money for Medicare. This also goes along with the life-expectancy rising which means individuals are staying on Medicare coverage for a longer period of time which means more spending (Khimm, 2013). If the minimum eligibility age was increase then it would line up better with the life-expectancy and continue to save the Federal government more and more

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