
Increase the Funding of Colorado K-12 Public Schools

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The school years are the grounding years of one's learning. Schools have a major role in transforming children to become reliable citizens and contributing members of society. Education paves the way for someone to have a great career. Education builds character and gives someone the skills to succeed in life. The national average of the yearly per-student spending in Public K-12 Schools is about $12,000. Students who attend schools in states with higher per pupil spending outperform students in states with a low per-pupil spending. The students score higher on the National Assessment of Academic Progress (NAEP) tests. They are also better prepared for college and are able to handle the transition to the college workload.
Students from lower spending states are beginning college with a lower level of knowledge and having to “catch up”. Some students are not able to do this and will drop out of college. Colorado has a High School dropout rate of 23.1 %. Only 21 out of 100 students who enter college in Colorado graduate with a certificate or degree .Colorado funding falls way below the national average. In Colorado, the average is only $6,577. This is 46% less than the national average. This amount is unacceptable, Coloradoans need to step up and help fund the future of our children.
The majority of the funding for Colorado K-12 public schools is through state revenues and local property taxes. Local property taxes have been decreasing in recent years and are projected to

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