
In The Gospel Of John 33B-33b-3

Satisfactory Essays

Desiree Martinez
22 November 2015
Gospel Paper In the Gospel of John 18-33B-37 Pilot and Jesus are having a conversation. Pilot asks Jesus if he is the King of the Jews. Jesus asks Pilot in return if he asked that question because he thought Jesus was the King of the Jews, or because he was told that. Pilot responds to Jesus and said that he was not a Jew and it was his own people who turned in. Pilot then asks Jesus what he has done to make them turn him in. Jesus answers and tells Pilot that his kingdom does not belong to the people of this world. He continues saying that if it did the people would be defending him instead of turning him in as they had done. Pilot asked Jesus for the second time if he was the King of the Jews. This time

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