
In The Circus Of You Nicelle Davis

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In the Circus of You by Nicelle Davis, is a series of different poems, consisting of a woman dealing with sanity, motherhood, divorce and the concept of what it is to be human. Although the poems consist of different messages,it may seem that the poem's overall message is of a woman being transformed into a creature or a creature appropriating a woman. However, it is having a hard time dealing with life and its true nature shows with dealing with the everyday life of being a woman, mother and wife. Throughout the whole time she interprets these themes as sideshow events from a circus and the reader being the freaks. The first poem is, “I Drive Our Son around, Everyday at Noon” is of mother describing the scenery of hogs, particularly one …show more content…

The whole time while arguing, she is being called names and cannot take it. The woman wants to transform into a different shape, making it seems as if she is a different creature because she even goes on to describe the taste of blood. However, because she cannot grasp what true love is she is going crazy. Moreover, she describes herself extremely hungry and catches her sight and sees a killed bird in her mouth. Another poem, which is “Wings inside Our Stomachs” is of two broken people who cannot get along, married too young who are still childlike, and yet they eventually drifted apart. What's strange about this poem, how the woman says, “We would have fared better at monsters-in-the-dark” line 8. Meaning, her chances are better if she stays as the creature she is hiding from society. “Gravity” is a poem which describes the divorce they are going through and the only thing that is keeping them in touch is the child they have. If it were possible, she would divide him in half for both of them, but it's impossible because he will always have features from both of them. “Opposites-or A Lesson in Wishing” is a of freak shows appropriating a typical normal

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