
In Race: The Power Of An Illusion

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There are many ways to perceive what it means to say race is socially constructed while some might say race is biological rather a social construct. “Race is socially constructed” basically is what we perceive as race is one of the first things we notice about each other. Let me get this clear, no matter what anyone thinks, race is not biological but instead it is a social construct. There is no way to measure race but instead an average person on the street thinks that race consists of differences in physical appearance. Every single human walking on the face of this Earth is genetically the same. The documentary, In Race: The Power of an Illusion, shows that for 200 years, scientists compared physical attributes to classify race and found …show more content…

One issue that we discussed in class that is important and interesting is housing segregation. Housing segregation has been an ongoing issue in the past and still continues to this day since certain races are looked down upon at when buying a house in certain areas. America is always known as a racialized society and being any other race besides white has not carried out any advantages. We watched a documentary, In Race: The Power of an Illusion Part 3, in class that points out that less than two percent of housing in certain areas went to non-white in the past. This percent has obviously increased over time, but it is still not stabilized around fifty percent or higher, which it should be at. The documentary claims “what we perceive as race is what we first notice about each other”, which is false since physical differences don’t make up …show more content…

Discrimination is unjust and unequal treatment of other groups of people, which would be the whites discriminating against non-whites. Prejudice is having negative feelings regarding a certain group or groups of people, which would also be the whites being prejudice towards the non-whites. During the reading, the key term racial profiling also stood out to me since there is no better word to describe housing segregation than this because basically realtors are seeing non-whites as not having enough money to be able to buy or rent a house and also disturbing the peace in white neighborhoods. Whites also fear that non-whites will bring culture and traditions that will not be assimilate to theirs. Lastly, the word stereotypes, which was discussed in the reading as well is used often by whites to criticize non-white culture and values. The list for stereotypes goes on and on and some of them are extremely pessimistic and discourteous. Some of these stereotypes consist of Hispanics don’t speak English very well or not at all and Hispanics are all illegal aliens. These are just some for only Hispanics but you get the idea on how disgusting they can be towards other groups of people. It is disappointing to see that housing segregation is still an issue in today’s times. Thankfully, it is not an issue where I live today, but

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