
Improving Safe Staffing For Nurses

Decent Essays

The priority issue is safe staffing for nurses working in hospitals. This issue is a priority because many times nurses are overwhelmed with his or her patient load and cannot provide safe, effective patient care. With such a heavy emphasis on patient outcomes and patient satisfaction, more attention should be dedicated to this issue. Research studies consistently find that whenever there is high patient-nurse ratio it negatively impacts patient safety. A great number of studies have demonstrated that higher nurse staffing levels and richer skill mix have a strong association with reduced adverse patient outcomes (Twigg, Gelder, & Myers, 2015). This paper will discuss policy priority issue of safe staffing by identifying key points, providing supporting empirical evidence and recommendations to improve safe staffing, and the impact and importance safe staffing has on nursing. Key Points Throughout the United States, staffing issues are an ongoing concern which can impact the safety of both the patient and the nurse. Every healthcare facility is challenged with finding optimal nurse-patient ratio to ensure safe patient outcomes. Quality of care and patient safety is related to nurse to patient ratio. In order for care to be delivered safely the number of patients a nurse is caring for during his/her shift should be based on the level of acuity of care. Lowering the nurse to patient ratio will help increase patient safety. Tevington (2011) noted that by decreasing the

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