
Improving Quality Of Video Content Service

Decent Essays

With the rapid growth of technological advancements globally in the field of Cloud computing, there’s been a tremendous change in the number of customers accessing the cloud. At this point of time the question which arises is the quality of service i.e. streaming performance provided by cloud service providers which is a factor of bandwidth. The streaming performance is degraded whenever we download video content from the cloud because downloading a high quality or popular video requires large number of peers to combine and then produce the video, for this method the amount of bandwidth is also too high and costly. This paper mainly concentrates on improving the quality of video content service by studying the obstacles faced by …show more content…

Many of gadgets are totally dependent on cloud for file transfer and storage of data. Not only has it stored the data it also provides the security for the data present in cloud with less cost. The services provided by cloud are Infrastructure as a service (IaaS), Platform as a service (PaaS), Software as a service (SaaS), Saas users use an application software and databases, the Saas services include Google, YouTube, drives etc(1). The main purpose of this research is the concern we are having towards improving the efficiency of the video content traffic because of its majority contribution in internet traffic.
Presently, File downloading based on automotive mode switch (AMS) algorithm, this approach is an effective but video content downloading does not always give good performance (3). When AMS method is used the internet buffering is less but the bandwidth is high and costly (3). Moreover AMS algorithm uses peers in order to provide the requested video by users (3), if the video is so long then it would take more peers in order to provide video, when there are more peers there is no proper scheduling of peers due to which when we want to get some unpopular video the peers provide a low quality video. By using our proposed method we are going to solve the problem of bandwidth and cost because agents provide their bandwidth resources constantly at a much lesser price.
With Content Delivery Network (CDN) though

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