
Improving High Quality Of Care

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1.1 The increasing numbers of vulnerable adults in the United Kingdom has been accompanied several care challenges and policy makers caught their attention to do their part and come up with legislations to combat or overcome these challenges. Giving support and providing care for an individual in their last stage or end of life is a difficult thing to do. End of life care aims to put the person at the centre of the caring process, they should be involved in every decision to make when it comes to their personal care, maintain and enhance quality of life for the person involve and family if possible and provide bereavement support for families and carers after someone passed away. In lieu to this, this will not be possible if not being back up by legislation to oversee that quality care is delivered at the highest possible. The end of life care strategy implemented by the Department of Health 2008 outlined a framework which aims to promote high quality of care for all adults in the United Kingdom who are at the end stage of their lives (The National Council for Palliative Care, 2012). This strategy focuses on the following factors: being treated as an individual, with respect and maintaining dignity, being without pain and other symptoms, being familiar with the surrounding and being with close friends and immediate family. The Care Quality Commission which regulates and monitor treatment, support and care provided by hospitals, GP’s, ambulances and mental health

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