
Improving Healthy Development And Maintaining Strong Parent Child Bonds

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“Play is so important to optimal child development that it has been recognized by the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights” (Ginsburg, 2007, p 182). There is no opposing argument to the statement that play is essential to children and youth in all domains of development. Although certain types of play may be more meaningful in terms of development, any kind of play is better than no play at all. “The Importance of Play in Promoting Healthy Child Development and Maintaining Strong Parent-Child Bonds” examines and reflects on Ginsburg’s research on the importance of play during childhood development and guidelines for pediatricians on how to advocate for children in terms of protected play and a balanced lifestyle during development. In this journal, I found why play is beneficial, the consequences of reduced play, and the factors in the ever-changing routine of childhood, why this change is a problem, the effect this change has on many families, and some proposed solutions, as well as advice on how to promote healthy development and growth through play.
Summary of Article “The Importance of Play in Promoting Healthy child Development and Maintaining Strong Parent-child Bonds” is a clinical report published for the guidance of pediatric care. The article focuses on the benefits of play, the repercussions or reduced play, the factors of change in play, why this change is relevant, the effect is has on family, proposed solutions, and advice for

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