
Improving America 's Current Health Care System

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Improving America’s Current Health Care System
The health care system of the United States is dysfunctional and broken. While many upper and middle class Americans have nothing to worry about since they can afford health care insurance, the lower class are neglected and pushed to the side. Including funding and performance, the costs of the health care insurance has caused current political evaluations. Yes, Medicaid does cover the poor Americans, but you do not receive the same treatment and coverage as someone with insurance. Most Americans are aware that there are many problems with the current health care system in the United States. There are little to none access to these affordable health care insurances and the prices are rising …show more content…

The increases of children that don’t receive any medical attention are prone to more cases of illness in United States. The more the child is at risk, the less the child is able to attend school with normal children. There are also over 40 million Americans a year that do not get medical care when it is needed, even if they are insured (Sweeney). More than 8 out of 10 uninsured Americans are from average working families (Sweeney). If an injury or sickness occurs, Americans that do not receive proper health care pray for the best because they cannot afford it. In most cases, lacking proper health care leads to thousands of deaths every year (Sweeney). Today, there are five major problems in the current health care systems. Those problems include: Accessibility, Cost/Affordability, Lack of portability, technologically deficient, and Lack of data availability (Sweeney). These problems have not been solved yet because of lack of central planning of the healthcare system.
1.AccessibilityHealth care is not accessible to all Americans of the United States (Sweeney). Americans who cannot reach health care plans rely on emergency services for less acute problems and neglect preventative care options (Sweeney).
2.Cost/AffordabilityTo me, there is no such thing as affordable insurance. The health care system is expensive and not affordable for everyone in the United States

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