
Important Of College

Decent Essays

In today’s economy, college is a necessity for my life and career path. I understand the importance of college in my future. My parents will not be financially able to send me to a four-year college so I understand the importance of scholarships. College has always been a dream of mine so I’m determined to work hard for it. Furthering my education will help my success in the future. I realize that my time for college is now or never.

I want to go to college to enhance my education for the benefit of my future. A college degree will create more job opportunities and a better salary. I realize the importance of college when you look at the statistics. A college degree almost doubles the earnings of a high school degree. I’m also excited to experience a new culture in college. I live in the small town of Stanton with little diversity or cultural differences. I’m ready to meet new people, try new things, and learn more about the world. College is the next step in my life and I am excited to take it head on. My goal is to attend the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and obtain a finance degree. This finance degree will help me to become a financial analyst. I want to become a very successful businessman. I …show more content…

Hard work and determination are the reasons for my success. I have been a varsity golfer all four years of high school. In the 2016 spring golf season, my team received third place at the state meet in Kearney. As an individual, I received 12th place which awarded me a state medal. I have been awarded Academic All-State Golf for three years. Varsity golf has taught me respect, discipline, and leadership. These traits carry into the classroom, the school, and the community. Golf has taught me how to set goals and work to achieve them. As the top golfer, it is my duty to encourage and lead my golf team for success. I display leadership in golf by helping my fellow teammates physically and

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