
Importance Of Technology In Fahrenheit 451

Satisfactory Essays

Have you ever hung with your friends and realized that you were all on your phones? In the fictional novel Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury demonstrates this situation. In the story Guy Montag lives in a dystopian society where books are illegal to read and people are so wrapped up in parlors that they no longer discuss matters with each other. Montag tries to break the enchantment brought on by technology and shows people the importance of books while promoting a rebellion which makes him become the most wanted man in the city. Bradbury uses analogies to convey technology as an addictive distraction to the real world. Bradbury uses analogies when highlighting people’s addiction to technology. For example, when Montag intrudes Mildred’s hangout by disconnecting their parlor …show more content…

For instance, when the town is being bombed Montag imagines Mildred in a hotel “leaning [toward the parlor walls] anxiously nervously as if to plunge, drop , fall into that swarming immensity of color to drown in happiness…[as the bombs strike] the walls go dark in Millie’s face… [she screams] because in the millionth part of life left she saw her own face reflected there, in a mirror instead of a crystal ball” (152). Usually people on TV programs are displayed as being perfect people and having the perfect life and everything works out perfectly for them. Mildred as well as many other people are longing to have that perfect life so they become addicted to that TV program because they want it feel like they are apart of it. However, because of the bombing happening the parlor shuts off and Mildred is able to see her own reflection in the blank screen. She screams because she sees her own face and what it actually looks like instead of that perfect person she thought she was from the TV program. People get so attached to technology that they see themselves as a completely different person and won’t recognize their own

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