
Show Jumping Essay

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Interacting with horses has always been a passion of mine since I was five. When I was little, my parents gave me an array of dolls and a few horse figurines to amuse myself with. I always used to ignore the girl dolls and play with horse figurines. Luckily, my older sister treasured dolls so she just sneakily stole them away from me one by one while I occupied myself with my horse figurines for hours. I have always admired horses’ strength, power and beauty. My interest in horses has caused me to search through websites and books for new ways to connect with them. After thousands of hours researching, I finally found my calling. Many years later, show jumping has become a positive aspect on my life. One important aspect of show jumping is training. Training before a show has taught me many lessons that I can apply to other aspects of my life. To help improve with my training, I use many forms of genre. A genre aids in classifying different texts that share the same characteristics. While genres through speeches and books are most commonly used for training, videos are also used to help me gain more insight into the world of show jumping.
Videos are useful to help me visually see and hear different techniques. Since an instructor can only speak to you, videos allow me to understand what my instructor is trying to explain to me. For example, when I was first learning to jump I was having trouble getting into two-point. To correct my problem, researched tips on my

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