
Importance Of Faith In Doctor Faustus

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Mankind has always struggled with faith, and it always will. The human mind is not easily persuaded to blindly believe, and the concept of God or gods, since their conception, has always relied upon belief. The importance of faith in relation to one’s God was extremely relevant when Christopher Marlowe composed Doctor Faustus in the 16th century, for the waning influence of the Catholic Church and the general dispersion of religion had caused a drop in religious fidelity. In his tragedy “Doctor Faustus”, Marlowe shows the main character denying opportunities to repent not because of ignorance, but because of an inability to fully trust in a benevolent divinity, even in a circumstance where man does not question the existence of heaven or hell. Faustus’ inability to trust God stems from his connection with evil, and Marlowe uses Doctor Faustus’ thirst for knowledge and power as the primary reason for his gravitation towards and consequent trust of Satan. In the beginning of the the story, Dr. Faustus seeks to become all powerful and all knowledgeable, rivaling the omnipotence of God. To achieve such a “ world of profit and delight/Of power, of honor and omnipotence,”(1.52-53) Faustus indulges himself in the realm of dark arts, studying “metaphysics of magicians/And necromantic books” that promise to enlighten him with extraordinary capabilities. It is the darkness’ ability to answer Faustus’ desires in the now that gains his trust, for Faustus is not interested in serving a God that seemingly does nothing for him.This is further illustrated when Faustus proclaims, “To God?-He loves thee not/The God thou serv'st is thine own appetite”(5.11-12).The instant gratification of evil better resonates with Faustus, and because he never sees God appease him in the way that darkness has, he trusts Satan more than God. Marlowe has Doctor Faustus matriculate towards Satan in the novel’s beginning because of the perks of evil, and he never turns back. Faustus witnesses a supernatural event that seems to oppose his binding deal with Satan, and although it does make him question his actions and think about repenting, he ignores the event and continues to abandon his salvation. After deciding to pledge his soul to

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