
Importance Of Allocation Of Land In Kenya

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24.1 Allocation of public land It involves the state or the government transferring its rights, use, and ownership of land to the citizens of the country, According to section 12(1) of the Land Act, the National Land Commission (NLC) has responsibilities of allocating public land on behalf of the National or County Governments.(Source: Guides on Land Administration in Kenya). Alienation of land to members is done by passing through the following law applications which include Local Government Act, Physical Planning Act, Land Control Act, Government Land Act, and others. Planning process on public land are drawn up by the National Land Commission so as to prepare for physical development and these plans should be approved by the various physical planning officers for confirmation or any changes and then transferred to the final office known as the ministry of land for approval then to the Department of surveyors to survey the land and various measurements and others process that follow afterwards during the development process .The main disadvantage of this process is acquiring a land title after allocation of land can be very long and tedious. The steps involved during the procedure of acquiring a title deed after allocation of public land include acceptance of an offer to the National Land Commission, land surveying, preparation of lease documents, clearance of payments (stamp duty and getting the rent and clearance certificate), and registration of the lease. 2.4.2 Adjudication It can be defined as recording rights and interests of land/ existing rights and claims of people to land. This process is governed by the Land Adjudication Act Cap 287, adjudication is also when a title to land is registered for the first time/ first stage in the registration of title to land in areas where the ownership of the parcel of land is unknown. After the land adjudication process, a land adjudication register is created. The adjudication register is composed of a demarcation map and adjudication record. Each parcel number of land is indicated on the map which corresponds to the adjudication record that contains the registration section, parcel number, name of the owner, and size of the land and details of the registry map

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