
Importance Of A Successful Campaign Money

Decent Essays

Patel 1
Darshita Patel Professor Sharifian Govt 2306-71426 29 October 2017 Importance of a Successful Campaign Money plays an important role in running a successful campaign for the office in Texas. Candidates spend a hefty amount to get a seat in the office. The amount spent on state elections is relatively lower than presidential elections, as presidential elections take place at national level. Candidates get money through campaign fundraisers. But money doesn’t always play a deciding role in who wins the election. It is true that “a candidate entering a general election contest with better name recognition or the right party affiliation for that district didn’t have to spend much money at all” (Essig et al). Funds are needed to run a …show more content…

On the other hand, the interest groups like Texas Right to Life oppose abortion and believe in the traditional concept that human life began at fertilization. Equality Texas strongly supports the idea of equal treatment without discriminating based on gender, race or color. The other interest group that may oppose the campaign is National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund, which is a Political Action Committee. They operate on the idea “that "gun control" schemes are an infringement on the Second Amendment and a proven failure in fighting crime” (“Texas Special Interest Groups”).
The slogan for the campaign is “New Vision New Direction”. The campaign can be promoted by getting local newspaper endorsements. It is the best way to reach out to voters at the grassroots level to promote the campaign. Also, promoting the campaign on television and online can helps reach a mass audience. The advertisements for the campaign can be shared on social media. Celebrity endorsement also plays a key role to get voters. People follow and try to imitate them in all possible ways. Encouraging popular celebrities, including sportsmen to promote the campaign can help gain a lot of supporters.
The most difficult part of the campaign is to get out the vote. It is important to get your supporters to turn up on the election day and vote. Making the voting process easy helps supporters turn out in large number. The voters should be encouraged by educating them about the

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