
Importance Of A Good Classroom

Decent Essays

The key to a good classroom is a teacher who is control of their class. "The greatest sign of success for a teacher is to be able to say 'the children are now working as if I did not exist". It is important for a teacher to implement the proper policies and to have a certain presence in their classroom in order to maintain a good classroom environment. It is also good for a teacher to have these rules laid out even before they get in a classroom so they know where they stand. Part of having good classroom management is having proper policies for lateness,hw, and testing. Also having tricks to get students to focus on a lesson, stop certain behaviors and encourage others all while working the clock.
The thing I think is most representative of whether or not you are a good teacher is if students are coming in to your class, and are happy to be there. Happy students make a happy classroom. However as a teacher, I have to make sure that not only are students showing up to class on time everyday, but that they are also engaged in learning everyday. Motivation is integral part of getting kids to want to be in your class and to start enjoying learning. Everyday when students come in, I will have something on the board ready for them to do. Whether it is a short activity where I get them to write a funny story in Spanish, or have a lyric breakdown of a popular Spanish song so they can interpret the words and take part in the culture aspects of my classroom. A motivation should only

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