
Implicit Stereotypes

Decent Essays

Regarding your understanding of the IAT: What does the IAT measure and how is it different from explicit tests of prejudice? (This will be lengthy and there is punishment for plagiarism)

Formally, the IAT measures implicit preference. An implicit preference is simply an automatic way of thinking. You are so deep-seated into liking one thing over another that you are unconscious about choosing it. This can also be referred to as an attitude.

You can also recognize implicit stereotypes and implicit prejudices. An implicit stereotype is a hidden association between how you perceive a certain group and the characteristics they possess. An explicit stereotype is an association that you know you make when you think of a certain group and the characteristics they possess. An implicit prejudice however is a hidden association between a group and how you feel …show more content…

If you don’t know at first glance if the picture is what it’s depicting, you will get a lot of red X’s. This may cause a change in how well it seems you respond to one side or the other.

Regarding Generalizing the Results: Given the degree of implicit prejudice that currently exists in this domain of prejudice, what are the likely consequences of this implicit prejudice?

As I stated earlier, the IAT isn’t totally accurate, so there may be more who don’t prefer either or actually prefer disabled people. Even though the majority prefer abled people, there are a few who do prefer disabled. Either way, there are some consequences. One could be that disabled people will feel left out in society. When most people seem to have even a slight to moderate preference for abled people, disabled people will be ignored more.

They may start to develop social anxieties and other disorders from feeling as though society doesn’t like them. If they can’t act as a functioning part of society, this could have a massive impact on the way they live their

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