
Imperialize Africa Imperialism Essay

Decent Essays

Imperialism is the domination by one country of the political, economic, or cultural life of another country. The major causes of imperialism are related to economy, politics, military, science and inventions. Economy factors are need for natural resources, need for new market to sell products and place for growing population to settle. The major factors related to politics and military are bases for trade and navy ships, power and security for global empire and spirit of nationalism. The imperialism related to society are religion, wish to share western civilization and belief that’s the best culture. Science and invention imperialism are related to new weapons, new medicines and improved ships. Imperialism played a major impact on Africa, …show more content…

Diseases like Malesia and Pneumonia played a major role. Another reason why the Europeans failed at imperializing Africa is that they could not travel with a lot of gear. This is because it was a huge chunk of land to go through including seas and savannahs. It was later when Quinine was invited which allowed Europeans to reduce the impacts of these diseases and allowed them imperialize Africa. In the late 1800s, the scramble of Africa started where every European wanted their “Share of Africa.” They exported for resources such as cotton, iron and copper. The Berlin Conference in 1884 is when the European states met up to discuss the division. Imperialism has a huge effect on Africa because when the Europeans left, the Rwandan Genocide started where many innocent lives were lost. Imperialism in the Middle East also played a major role. In the 1800s, European nations started getting attracted towards the presence of vast oil fields. After World War I, the British Mandate for Palestine gave Great Britain control of the territory of Palestine, which would later become Israel. Soon many problems came as both the Arabs and Jews claimed that that was their homeland. The two competing forces were the IDC or Israeli Defense Forces and the PLO which are the Palestinian Liberation

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