
Imperialism is Almost Never Acceptable

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Throughout the late 19th century, European countries thrived for power through imperialism or the act of conquering another country, taking over and using that country for support of the mother country for things such as natural resources, cheap labor and economic benefits such as international seaports. Imperialism was the empowerment of another country such as Great Britain over India. Imperialism was a type of social darwinism where the country that imperialized the most places was to be the strongest, fittest, and most likely to survive. Reasons for imperialism vary such as materials for factory made goods, cheap labor, spread of christianity, power and money. Europeans believed that it was a necessary part of life and justifiable, however, this was not the case. Imperialism was an unjustifiable act by the Europeans. Imperialism equalled darwinism for it was a situation where the highest, upper class survive and the lowest, poorest class die. A prime example is British rule over India and the differences between classes. As an act of deliberately taking away rights from other religions, creating poverty and famine, ripping cultural beliefs and killing hundreds of people, imperialism was an unjustifiable act. Interference of another country is almost never acceptable except in a time when self-defense is being threatened. The term “put yourself in another person’s shoes” is a term that satisfies this concept. A country, although doing an action considered justifiable at

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