
Impact Of Social Media On Teenage Development

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Everyday there are 400 million Instagram users (Smith), 18.7 billion texts sent (Burke), and over 8 billion phone checks (Eadicicco). Social media has become a prevalent aspect of our day. With this ever-growing force taking up such a large part of our lives, it is no wonder parents ask the question that’s on all of our minds: What impact does technology, and more specifically social media, have on teenage development? UCLA did a study to explore an idea similar to this; the researchersthey wanted to investigate the impact social media has on the teenage brain. The researchers asked 32 teenagers between the ages of 13 to 18 to participate in a photo sharing platform like Instagram while they monitored their brain activity. The teens were exposed to 148 photographs for 12 minutes, 40 of which were submitted by the teenagers themselves, and were asked to choose pictures to “like.” These photos were preassigned a certain number of “likes” and categorized as either risky or neutral. Risky photos depicted alcohol, drugs, and teenagers wearing provocative clothing, while the neutral photos showed harmless scenes such as food or friends. They found that teens were more likely to “like” a photo, risky or neutral, if it had a higher number of previous likes. Another intriguing discovery of this study was the neurological effects “likes” on a photo can have on a teenager. If a participant saw their own photo had received a large number of likes “the same brain circuits

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