“Impact of Same-Sex parenting on Gender Identity Disorders in adolescence”
Same-sex parenting will always face the two different concepts: one considering it lawful, plain and simple and the other opposing it as a matter of morality. Same-sex couples can never be equivalent to heterosexual couples in terms of legality, outcomes and even children as homosexuals lack the ability to give birth to children due to which they refer to joint adoptions mostly. Many countries do not allow the same-sex marriages to be legal as they are of the view that this will then provide the alternative to the heterosexual marriages which is exactly not the case.
Many researchers are of the view that same-sex parenting leads to
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The huge number of articles and research papers on this topic shows the immense importance of this issue to be discussed and acknowledged in the coming future.
Same-sex parenting is taken both in positive and negative sense but even then it is regarded more as a family issue. There is a concept that where lives a same-sex couples, there must be children raised by them. Then it comes to mind that which sort of children? Such children may be divided into three groups: (Kurtz, 2004)
• Firstly, the children who are being raised by same-sex couples whether those marriages are available or not. In America, according to 2000 census, almost 594,000 homes are being resided by same-sex couples and around 27 percent of them have children (U.S. Census Bureau, 2003) which accounts for almost 166,000 children. (Bozett, 1993) Such children are directly affected by the same-sex marriage.
• Secondly, the children who are not being raised by the same-sex couples instead they are raised by the heterosexual couples or single parents and the effects of such marriages are unclear in these children. The number of such children is greater than the children of first category.
• Third class of children is largely affected by the same sex marriages. These effects include coping with the boundary control, non-disclosure, disclosure, selective association, and blending in. (Anderssen, 2002)
William Saletan – a writer interested in political, scientific, and technological topics and a contributor to the online pop magazine Slate – published the informative and well-written article Back in the Gay in Slate Magazine. The main purpose of the article is to reveal whether same-sex couples are appropriate and harmless when it comes to parenting and raising a child. In order to strengthen his points and intensify the degree of persuasion in his argument, he provides us with various scientific studies and research concerning the addressed issue. William Saletan’s sole aim is to deliver the message to the readers that it is a common misconception and entirely false to claim that same-sex couples build a toxic environment as unfit parents,
Arguments for gay and lesbian families is a concern for the sanctity of marriage is often accompanied by a discomfort with the idea of gay and lesbian families, based on misinformation about the quality of those relationships and their impact on children (Kimmel 184). Arguments that support gay and lesbian families are mainly focused on having the same equal rights as heterosexuals. Many gay and lesbian couples want to get married because of the benefits they acquire such as the right to inherit from a spouse who dies without a will, the right to consult with doctors and make crucial decisions (Kimmel 184). A meta analysis of social studies of gay and lesbian parenting suggests that children are more accepting of homosexuality and maybe more likely to indicate a willingness to consider homosexual relationships themselves (Kimmel 186). Another great example is daughters of lesbian and gay parents are more assertive, confident, and ambitious, and sons are less conforming to traditional masculine aggression and domination and have a better understanding of their gender identity (Kimmel
We have all seen the classic television scene, where a happy family consisting of one mother, one father, and two children is hovered around a table or a couch. Although still prominent, this scene is becoming less common nowadays as more families become non-traditional. More families than ever are consisting of one mother and children, one father and children, grandparents and children, and even two mothers or two fathers and children. These households, although not what most people consider a normal household, are becoming more common and regular in today’s society. Homosexual parents and families are indeed different from more traditional families, but not for the worse. This trend is not increasing
Some individuals will face some dilemmas and issues in life, but it is those issues and how a family deals with them effectively that will make them stronger as a family unit. Everyone deals with pressures of everyday life and it is those who learn by them that are prosperous. Therefore, society should not rule out homosexual parents due to issues that this may cause. There are many types of families that aren 't picture perfect where the children and the parents have to overcome obstacles due to their situation. Single-parent homes aren 't considered picture perfect and have issues too, but these parents aren 't being questioned of their competence as parents. Just like getting pregnant with an unknown father doesn 't disqualify the mother as an able parent, sexual orientation shouldn 't either.
Some say that children in gay and lesbian families lack the gender role model, which may have negative effect on the psychological development of them. Family education is important to the child development, and some people argue that, in same-sex families, there
Are kids at a disadvantage growing up in a household with same sex parents? Do they grow up developmentally delayed, psychosocially impaired, or morally confused? Is the traditional one mother, one father custom the best way to raise our children and does the role of each parent, mother and father, truly have an impact on the way the child holistically is risen to become. These are all questions that most homosexual couples, orphanage/adoption centers, surrogate mothers, egg donors, social workers, and the general lay people think of. It is quite normal for the general public to have concerns about homosexual couples adapting or having children for it was not till recently till that United States and other countries started excepting homosexual couples as the norm. A plethora of studies and research projects have been and are continuing to be conducted by a
“There is no scientific basis for concluding that lesbian mothers or gay fathers are unfit parents on the basis of their sexual orientation” (Armesto, 2002; Patterson, 2000; Tasker & Golombok, 1997). Ever since gay and lesbians have been parents people have questioned how the parents’ sexual orientation impacts child and adolescent development. Opponents of same-sex parents argue that sexual orientation has a negative impact on child development, while proponents argue that the relationship between the child and parents is what matters. National, state, and local governments are faced with the controversy surrounding same-sex parenting. People have very strong opinions on both sides of the argument. Children and adolescents who are under lesbian or gay parents have normal child development compared with children under heterosexual parents. These children develop normally socially, mentally, and academically.
(Chiles) This study confirms that parenting by same-sex couples is the same or better than heterosexual homes and are more welcoming and ready to provide safety to children in contrast what other people say. Some people argue that children raised in a same-sex home can cause psychological damage but “high-risk children adopted from foster care do equally well when placed with gay, lesbian or heterosexual parents, UCLA psychologists report in the first multi-year study of children adopted by these three groups of parents.”(Wolpert). These studies also confirm that same-sex couples are indeed doing well raising children. No matter what gender or sexual preference, everyone should be equally treated and have same rights as anybody else. It hasn’t been proven that same-sex parents affect the development of a child’s life, in contrast, they have the opportunity to grow up in a home surrounded by the values of compassion and love. Question is, shouldn’t the main issue be what the best interest of the child is? When evaluating a potential person as a parent the main thing should be if the person is caring, stable and devoted not the individual’s sexual orientation. Homosexual’s parental
Children being raised by same-sex couples is not uncommon and not different compared to different-sex couples. The only difference between childhood development with same-sex parents, as opposed to different-sex parents, is that more same-sex households have to deal with the biological parents of the child (“Same-Sex” 1). The child’s development is not altered by the gender of the parents but by society shaming their family and the biological parents metaling in the child’s
As it has been in dispute for years since it was first brought to light, the concern for same-sex parenting continues to be raised in society with jabs at ethics and practicality. As of June 26, 2015, all U.S. states have legalized gay-marriage and same-sex parenting, marking a significant breakaway for previous social norms. Yet, even with this crucial development in our culture, disputes against it still manage to work their way into daily discussions. With the recent legalizing, those who were against gay-marriage or gay couples being able to raise children are now forced to accept this rapidly changing world and be open to modern advancements.
As time passes, more and more laws are being passed that allow two people of the same sex to marry. As expected, there have been many people who are outraged towards the belief that two people, no matter how happy they are together, can marry. What makes this worse is when those who are outraged have kids that can see and learn from their them. As the kids see how their parents act towards the idea of gay marriage, it typically transitions well within the child. When this happens, kids unfortunately display the same behavior as well. According to a survey conducted by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), results have
It is then claimed that non-hetero families raise children “deprived of either his natural mother or father”. They make the analogy that there are “evident difficulties faced by the many children who are orphans or are raised by a single parent, a relative, or a foster parent.” This could be considered a false analogy due to the fact that in most homosexual families there is not just one parent involved in raising the child. The writer uses these cases to conclude that “same-sex ‘marriage’ ignores a child’s best interests”,
Raising children has always been a popular topic all around the world and many question the parenting techniques that adults may use when raising a child and if their techniques will prove to be successful in the future. When thinking of a traditional way of raising children one may see a mother and a father raising their children together and with perfection. However society has adapted a new meaning of family. Same-sex couples now have the right to love each other legally and many associate the word “love” with their children. One may question whether a same sex couple will have the ability to raise children the same way heterosexual couples raise their children. What separates heterosexual couples from homosexual couple’s ability to parent? How is it that those raised by same-sex couples turnout to be the most accepting and loving people?
Homosexuality in general seems to be more accepted than a few decades ago. However, despite the progress the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) civil right movement has had in recent times, there are still great debates and consequences for the gay community (Slenders, Sieben & Verbakel, 2014). Moreover, a sensitive issue concerning gay marriage and allowing same-sex parenting children evokes great controversies. Thus, qualitative research methods such as interviews, ethnography or focus groups can be appropriate in this area in order to gain insights of people’s opinion such as gay or lesbian parents. Is there a difference in same-sex parenting? Does parental sexual orientation affect child development? This essay will illustrate how qualitative methods can be useful in gathering information, opinions and attitudes of gay couples towards same-sex parenting. This essay will outline two qualitative methods according to this issue and critically evaluate which of the two qualitative methods (ethnography or interviews) could be appropriate in approaching this social issue. In conclusion, the essay will explain why ethnography is a more suitable approach to this topic rather than interview approach.
Nowadays, the question of gay marriage is one of the most heated and controversial. Over the years, same-sex couples are fighting for the legal recognition for their marriages and their right as parents. Parenthood is one of the most valuable experiences in a human life. After finding a partner, it is natural for people to want to raise children. Homosexual parent are the same in ability and commitment to raised healthy children. It would be a big step for improvement in our society to provide necessary support and rights for same-sex couples and their children.