
Impact Of Reconstruction On African American Equality

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The fight for African American equality has been present throughout the course of American history. In the years following the Civil War, tensions were high between the two races, allowing for a series of issues to arise. The Reconstruction Era addressed the inequality and attempted to provide aid to the struggling African Americans, however many factors limited the government’s ability to do anything. Reconstruction failed in its goals to provide social, political and economic equality for African Americans in the years following the Civil War.
Reconstruction tried to address the challenges that African Americans were facing, but racism was still rooted in these efforts. In the years following the Civil War, a majority of white Americans still continued to support white supremacy which lead to African Americans being denied of power, wealth and position (Gillette 191). Denial of equality for African Americans led to an improvement in government intervention. The Civil Rights Act of 1860 was enacted but failed to address big civil rights issues, such as segregation, for African Americans (Gillette 197). The main reason that the government failed in its efforts was due to the peoples unwavering feelings towards African Americans. People’s racist sentiments questioned if it was …show more content…

The lack of respect for African American equality left government officials denying them power to hold office and were often seen as not credible leading them not to be able to be a part of important discussions concerning their rights (Gillette 195). African American’s unfair treatment to access political power of the right to vote and hold political office empathized the failure of Reconstruction towards this

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