
Impact Of Indonesia During The Age Of Exploration

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Indonesia is the result of globalization, so is the world. During the Age of Exploration, one of the major incidents was the relationship between India and Indonesia. Indian traders and missionaries helped shape the Indonesia we know today. Piles of evidence indicate India’s presence both before and during the Age of Exploration. A source (Verma, Deepti.) claimed that there are evidences that prove India’s presence in Indonesia around the 200th BC. Around the 8th century, Indonesia was starting to be greatly influence by the Indians; in fact many kingdoms, such as the Majapahit, Cailendra, and Srivijaya empire, were heavily influenced by India as it is with some areas in now days Indonesia. Through globalization, the Indian traders and missionaries …show more content…

One of the significant obvious impacts is the 4 classes of society that highly influenced regions adapted. It is not considered as castes, but is adapted to allow an ideal, peaceful, stable and ordered society system. The 4 classes includes the top being brahmans that includes teachers and people who do sacrifices, and then there’s kasatrias which includes people who governs, then the waisyas that includes farmers, lastly the sudras which includes artisans. And then there’s the lower class that does not go together with the other 4 classes, which are the chandalas that includes one who is depraved or wicked (Fox, James J). When Hindus refer to the wicked or depraved, they are referring to people whose occupancy are evil, have a low social status and live in a morally corrupt life despite their ethical behavior. For example, a kind, respectful and religious man has the job of hunter- killing animals so then he is depraved. When this happen so, one can only be saved from their religious damnation by the most powerful rites one needs to perform (Fox, James J), and so this is the Hindu belief system. Besides this, some strongly influenced regions uses Indian law books that are mixed with local laws and restrictions and/or requirements. And in courts that use such law, Hindu and Buddhist priests then hold a high position and that court (Fox, James J). Because of the practices and requirements, including some that were mentioned, of Hinduism, a lot of what matters to the Indonesian Hindus are based on this belief system. What matters and what don’t changes the whole person’s view of life and it’s

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